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So why need google when you can have a senku?

Hi! My name is reader-Chan and I'm here today to tell you about my product:
A Senku

Let me tell you my life has changed extraordinarily. It's like your own google with out the internet and you don't have to pay for any anti viruses!

Reader-Chan: Senku what would happen when you jumped while on a moving train?
A Senku: on the train the air moves with the same velocity as the train; there are no air resistance.
Reader-Chan: Wow-don't you just love his monotone voice?

A Senku is also a great alarm for when you need to get up at 4 or 5 in the morning because he doesn't sleep!

Ima have to step out of the spot light right now and let these wonderful few costumers say a few things.

Hi! My name is Taiju and iv had A Senku for a while and let me tell that he is super cool! He's your best friend; always there when I need him!

Reader-Chan: Wow that brought tears to my eyes; how sweet!

Hi! My name is Kohaku and iv had A Senku only for a month and he's very irritating with that loudmouth of his; he's a jerk most of the time.
Let me tell you he makes you do all the work.

Reader-Chan: Oh——sorry to hear that——Umm.
Wow Gen that's really cool of you to say about A Senku; he really is great! Wow!

Gen: but I didn't-

Reader-Chan: Oh! and he's also affectionate; now that's amazing!

Gen:.. .. ..

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Wow thanks guys,truly.

Now there is one last thing that I'm sure that will make you need one.

So you know how Gen said he was affectionate?
Camera guy: No!

Well sometimes when you need a brake from a hard days work he'll help you. He'll be very affectionate; very touchy. He'll take control or he'll let you take it; he don't mind because either way YOU will feel good!🤤

Well I hope I had convicted you into wanting one!
Have a wonderful day to all of you!
Bye 👋🏻

Senku x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now