Pride Flags

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*Logan was planning on telling the others that they were enby and pansexual, so they had gathered them in the living room*

Logan- I have something I need to tell all of you.
Patton- what's up kiddo?
Logan- *they summoned two pride flags one non-binary and the other Pansexual* I am non-binary and pansexual
Patton- that’s great Logie
Roman- got it
Virgil- yea I figured you were non-binary
Logan- how?
Virgil- you seemed uncomfortable with people using he him
Logan- that makes sense

*They later hung the pride flags in their room*
I'm sorry this was so short, also I have one more and it's tempting to post them all at once but I have some self control and I won't, let me know what you think in the comments, have a great day Guys, Gals and fellow non-binary pals ❤️🧡💛💚💙💙💜🖤

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