-Virgil HC's- ~Analogical~

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Virgil's just me- I've just made Virgil me-
Onto the story because I've put my headcannon Oneshots off for to long (first three are at the beginning of the book) oh and because I can it's analogical lmao
TW- miss-gendering
It was just a normal day in the mind-scape but for Virgil it had been a bad day, he had kept hearing everyone misgender him but he couldn't say anything about it because he hadn't come out yet, so he just kinda stayed in his room trying to figure out how he could come out, the least Anxiety inducing strategy, but he kept thinking about everyone misgendering him so he was crying but before he could compose himself Logan knocked on the door
L- Virgil? Can I come in?
V- u-uh yea, come in, doors unlocked..
Logan came in and saw Virgil was crying
L- what's wrong Virgil?
He sat down next to Virgil, Virgil layed his head in Logan's lap
V- it's nothing
L- it was definitely something Virgil.. you were crying.. tell me what happened
V- trust me it's nothing Virgil pulled a fake smile
L- Vee, I love you and want to make sure your ok, I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong
V- I'm fine Logan, just trust me
L- No I won't just trust that your fine, what's wrong
V- fine.. it's just.. it's technically my fault but everyone's been misgendering me...
L- Vee.. do you not use he/him..?
Virgil shook his head
L- what do you use? I don't want to keep misgendering you...
V- it's fine Logan, don't feel bad I never told anyone.. I use they/them..
L- Virgil you should have told us
V- I know.. but anxiety kept making me worry...
L- I understand, do you want to go tell the others?
V- yes.. but no.. I don't know
L- it'll be ok, but you don't have to, I'll help you if you do
V- just come with me while I do it?
L- of course, I'll text everyone to meet us in the living room ok?
V- ok, Janus and Remus too?
L- if you want me to
V- yes.. they should know aswell, they're still my family, as well as you guys
L- alright
They both went out to the living room and Logan texted everyone to meet them there
~Once everyone showed up~
L- you want to say it Vee? I can do it if you want
V- I can, as long as you stay with me I'll be okay
L- alright
P- what's up kiddo?
Ro- is something wrong Virgil?
V- no I'm ok, I just need to tell you guys something
J- it must be important if Logan texted us too
Re- hush Double-D let Virgil talk
Virgil giggled
V- you two never change do you
Re- nope, now what did you need to say?
V- mumbling I use they/them
J- Vee you need to speak louder, no one heard you
Re- I heard hi- them
Virgil smiled and Remus's correction
J- Them?
Re- h- Oh my god, /They/ said they use They/Them
V- calm down Rem, it's fine if you accidentally use He/Him
Re- I don't want to keep misgendering you, cus knowing you, you figured that out a while ago and never told anyone
V- yea.. but still it's fine, I understand mistakes happen
P- kiddo you should have told us
V- I know, Logan already told me this I don't need to hear this again, anxiety kept making me worry you guys wouldn't accept it or something
R- of course we'd accept you, I mean one of Thomas's Freinds use they/them and we accept them (Ah yes, look at me mentioning Joan 😂)
V- I know, I know and I wanted to tell you but I just didn't
J- well at least you told us now, I wouldn't want to keep misgendering you
Virgil smiled and snuggled up to Logan since he was on his lap
V- thanks Jan
J- your welcome Virgil
Virgil whispered something to Logan
L- go ahead Vee, if you wanna ask them, I'm sure the others would be fine with it
Virgil sat up a bit
V- Jan, Rem, would you guys wanna live with us instead of in the darksides part of the mind scape?
J- would you guys actually let us stay here?
P- I don't see why not, were all a part of Thomas, we should live in the same place
R- yea, and it would be nice to be with my brother
Remus was just kinda surprised at that comment
Re- I thought you didn't like me?
Ro- your my brother, I don't hate you
Re- I- uh then yea I'd love to live with you guys
J- I totally wouldn't want to aswell
V- great, oh and while we're here and I've already here, I'm also Bisexual
J- how was that so easy for you but saying your non-binary wasn't-
V- I don't understand how I work, don't ask me
J- you confuse me
V- I confuse myself
Virgil snuggled back up to Logan and Logan ran his hand through Virgils hair
P- everyone here can be confusing, but anyway, Janus, Remus, we have some spare rooms I'll show you and you guys can move over here
J- Thank you Patton
Re- thanks
P- no problem you two
------------------------------------------------------------------ I finally am finishing my HC Oneshots, but yea, Virgil is literally just me- I need a Logan in my life- and a Roman- and a Patton- Janus and Remus would be nice too- anyway lmao
Have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals!


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