Deceit. (no ship)

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This was to funny for me not to do
Text fonts are the same
Underlined italic is lies
This was before Janus told the others his name, but he was in the light sides part of the imagination and Virgil decided to mess with him

V- hey disease-
J- it's deceit
V- oh sorry anyway receipt-
J- Deceit.
V- right my apologies So, concrete-
J- it's DECEIT
V- pardon me, my mistake anyway, listen Despacito-
J- Ya know what, just call me Janus! You don't  know my name
V- pfft- you realize Patton is in the kitchen and Logan is right next to you
J- Fuck you Virgil
V- you did that to yourself
P- So Janus?
J- ugh what
P- that's your name?
J- No
P- that's a cool name
J- thanks?

Notice how roman was the only one not in the room to hear Janus's name? And how he insults it in the episode? I made this so it COULD line up with the episode, See I'm actually smart sometimes- Lapis is doing their job- Lapis is my Logan. should I make a thing for my sides? Like introduce them? Let me know if I should but anyway have a great day Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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