~Pronouns~ ≈Logince≈

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This is just a vent basically.

Today in art class, I literally was so much of a Logan kinnie it wasn't funny- it was hilarious- ok so we were doing a project where the table we sit at has to work together, and I was trying to tell two of the kids at my table something but they kept shutting me down saying I was wrong and ignoring me.

And when the 3rd kid told me to say what I wanted to I said, "No, they'll both just shut me down again", and when I did get a chance to explain, they still weren't listening and before I could finish my thought, they said things like "No that's wrong" and just "No that wouldn't work because we can't do *whatever I was saying* it's not aloud" and stuff.

And class ended like a minute later, so I was just pissed and stayed quiet while we cleaned up and sat at the table, until the bell rang.

Now the pronoun part, I use they/them but I'm probably just going back to she/her since no one uses they/them and I'm really Feminine, and my anxiety doesn't let me correct them when they use she/her so what's the point in using they/them anymore?

Anyway, that was my vent, now onto the story!

*Human AU*
TW- miss-gendering
Logan had been trying to help they're group in class but they kept shutting them down and saying their idea wouldn't work, and since it was the last period for Them, they just let their group work on it together and texted their boyfriend

Hey Roman? Could I come to your house today? Like after school?

My prince❤️
Yea of course! I'd love for you to come over!

Thanks love, I'll meet you outside in a few minutes, since class is almost over

My prince ❤️
Alright, I'll see you then, I love you Starlight

I love you too Roman

~after class~
Logan met up with Roman outside the school, you could just tell they had a bad day so when Roman saw them he immediately hugged him

R- Bad day Love?
L- yea, especially last period... No one was listening to my ideas and they kept misgendering me...
R- oh I'm sorry love
L- don't apologize, it's not your fault
R- alright, well how about we go back to my house and cuddle while watching a movie?
L- depends on the movie
R- big hero 6?
L- then absolutely
R- great! Let's go!

They walked to Romans house
They immediately went up to Romans room and Logan cuddled up to him while Roman put on the movie

L- hey Roman?
R- yes my Star?
L- can I have one of your hoodies? Preferably an oversized one?
R- yea of course, I have one in my closet, let me get it

Roman got Logan his hoodie, it was a oversized Red hoodie, but the trim was a dark blue and Roman knew it was Logan's favorite hoodie to steal from Roman, especially on bad days, like today, he gave it to Logan and Logan put it on happily and cuddled up to Roman again once he sat down again

L- thank you Roman
R- your welcome

~After the movie~

Roman was playing with Logans hair, but he could tell something was off with Logan, they usually loved when he played with their hair

R- love? Are you alright?
L- huh oh yea, just.. uh thinking...
R- about? You seem upset...
L- should I just go back to he/him? No one actually uses they/them for me...
R- hey... Don't even think about that.. you shouldn't let others influence how you feel.. if you feel non-binary, your non-binary, don't let people misgendering you make you use pronouns you don't feel comfortable with...
L- but everyone misgenders me.. even teachers..
R- and they shouldn't do that, but they will, most of our school will do that.. but hey, I heard the principal is putting an option to have your gender changed to non-binary in the school system, they'll hopefully stop misgendering you if you do that
L- really?
R- yea
L- thank you Roman
R- for what?
L- making me feel better
Logan smiled
R- your welcome Starlight

Logan did get their gender changed and everyone started using They/Them for them and it was a happy ending
That sucked- but I need a Roman in my life- Amy Roman kinnies willing to be my friend?- please- lmao you don't have to
But yea, I thought of this in school because this has happened to me- except I couldn't text my boyfriend- and i couldn't have met up with him- which is sad but yea- school obviously wasn't great today- but yea, I'm basically just a Logan kinnie today, and I didn't like that- but I also did- idk at this point lol
But anyway have a great day Guys, Gals, and (fellow..?) non-binary pals!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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