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Alright- so- this is going to escalate into at least a make-out session I don't know if I'll TRY and write smut or not, If I do I'll put it in the warnings so y'all know Incase you don't wanna read it
TW- uh- nothing since I don't do smut- I barely did the making out-
*Human AU*
This will symbolize thoughts
Oh and Prompt- Virgil had fallen asleep in a class he and Logan had together so Logan offered to help him with the homework and things ✨Escalate✨
Virgil had fallen asleep in math class (worst class to fall asleep in-) and he knew his Friend, Logan, had the same class so he met up with him at lunch

V- hey Logan
L- salutations Virgil, do you need something?
V- yea I do, so could you help me with the math homework? I kinda fell asleep in class..
L- sigh yes I can help, you should get more sleep at night so this doesn't happen again
V- I know, I just had a lot to do yesterday so I didn't get much sleep, so anyway, could I come over today?
L- yes, meet me after school and we can go to my house
V- Thank you Logan
L- your welcome Virgil

~After school~
Virgil met up with Logan after school and they walked to Logan's house

~At Logan's house~

ogan was explaining things to Virgil and Virgil was doing the work
L- and then-
V- actually hold on, I need to use the bathroom I'll be back
L- okay, you remember where it is? You haven't been here for a while
V- yes I remember
L- alright
Virgil went to the bathroom but he didn't actually need to use the bathroom, he just needed time to think
V- oh my god.. I have a crush on my best friend.. I just wanted to do my math homework not figure out I have a crush on my best friend.. it's fine, he'll just never know I like him, it's fine
Virgil went back to Logan
V- okay, we can continue now
L- okay, hey Virgil?
V- y-yes?
L- are you ok? You look a little red
V- oh yea I'm fine
L- okay if your sure

~an hour later~
They finished the homework and we're watching a movie since Virgil was spending the night, it was Friday and he didn't want to leave Logan anyway
V- h-hey Logan?
L- yes Virgil?
V- uhm, I need to tell you something
L- what is it? Are you ok?
V- yes I'm fine, but uhm, I don't know how to say it
L- take your time, it's fine
V- alright.. so I may have a crush on you? And it's okay if you don't feel the same, I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I needed to tell you
L- Oh, wait, you-you like me?
V- yea..
L- I, uhm, like you too Virgil
V- really?
L- yes
V- that's.. amazing, uhm, c-can I uh, kiss you?

ogan nodded and Virgil kissed him
Logan kissed back and he moved to sit on Virgil's lap so they were closer together
They didn't pull apart for a few minutes unless it was for air
But when they did Logan smuggled up to Virgil since he was already on his lap, and he was smaller the Virgil
V- I love you Logan
L- I love you too
I'm sorry this was kinda bad but I'm not feeling great, as you can see by the last a/n, so yea, but I'll work on more one-shots later, and as always have a good day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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