A/N about a book I'm reading

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Yo ok I don't read much but I found a book "a good girls guide to murder" by Holly Jackson and if you like mystery/murder mystery (I think that's what it'd be) then you should totally read it if you haven't already, so far (I'm on chapter 7 out of 47 I think) it's great, and it's a long-ish book so it'll keep me (or just whoever reads it) busy for a while but yea I just wanted to ramble about it so I did, I found it at Walmart for like 8 dollars so yea. And it has a sequel, "good girl, bad blood" so I'll also have to read that if I end up liking this book by the end, anyway that's the end of my rant, have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

Edit- GUYS IM FURTHER IN THE BOOK AND ONE OF THE CHARACTERS (not gonna spoil who, it's said pretty early, and I don't know if it's true but context clues say it is) IS LESBIAN AHHHH I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH- IT MENTIONED HER "coming out" AND ONE OF THEIR GUY-FREINDS SAID "well how are you ever going to get a girlfriend" AFTER SHE MADE FUN OF HIM FOR MAKING A PUN SAYING HE'LL NEVER GET ONE- AHHHHHHHHHHH

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