"Little" Crush (Intrulogical)

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The picture is the prompt, red is roman blue is Logan, but this is female sides, so Red is Rosemary (I had to use a website for this🥲 and Remus) and Blue is Lilly oh and Remus will be Rosie (jeez how un-creative can I make the CREATIVE TWINS names?!)
Warnings- Swearing, Angst that turns into the sappiest shit I'll ever write lmao, crying (?)
Rose- your friendship can survive this crush if you really don't want to ruin it, you just need to let her down easy
L- how do I do that?
Rose- Just be honest, tell her how you feel
L- oh, that won't work..
Rose- and why not?
L- if I tell her how I feel she might get the impression I want to get into a relationship.. but that'd probably ruin our friendship
Rose- why would she think that?
L- because I'm.... In love with her
Rose- What?!
L- Just a little bit!
Rose- You have a crush on my twin sister?!
L- yea... But she's my best friend and I don't want to ruin that...
Rose- Lil.. I'm sure it'll be ok.. she talks about you alot, I don't doubt she likes you back
L- I doubt it though...
Rose- come on, you just got to tell her how you fee-
L- No!
Rose- Lilly... Come on..
Lilly turned to start walking away and started crying
L- I'm not telling her! That could ruin our friendship! I don't want to lose my best friend...
What Lilly hadn't seen was he was walking towards  Rosie, her crush, and best friend, who knew Lilly considered her, her best friend thanks to Rosemary, Lilly had bumped into Rosie who saw she was crying and hugged lilly after seeing her crying
Rosie- Lilly? Are you alright? Your crying.. why? You rarely cry this much...
L- Oh Rosie! Yea I'm fine.. sorry for bumping into you
Rosie- it's fine, but I don't believe your fine...
L- I'm fine, trust me, I'll be ok
Rosie- I don't trust you. Your crying and you never do that unless somethings wrong. I know you, your my best friend. You can't trick me with the "I'm fine" lie
L- Lilly was mumbling that's the problem... Your my best friend...
Rosie- is something wrong with us being friends...?
L- No! No that's not what I meant! Ugh all I do is make you feel bad...
Rosie- no you don't, and if that's not what you meant, what did you mean?
L- it's nothing... It would ruin our friendship If I told you...
Rosie- hey, you won't ruin anything, I can't help you if you don't tell me and I want to help you...
L- can we talk in my room then...? I don't want to talk in the living room with rosemary listening and the chance of others hearing...
Rosie- yea we can
Rosie and Lilly went to Lilly's room and she sat on the bed motioning for Rosie to do the same, she hadn't stoped crying so Rosie hugged her again pulling away from the hug and looking into Lilly's eyes
Rosie- now what happened?
L- are you sure I won't ruin our friendship...?
Rosie- I promise.. I wouldn't want to lose you over anything..
L- I wouldn't either... That's why I don't want to tell you...
Rosie- please?
L- fine...
Lilly sighed and mumbled out an "I love you...."
Rosie- are you serious? This isn't a joke?
L- yea I'm serious... It's not a joke... I understand if you don't want to be friends-
Rosie- shut the fuck up. I wouldn't unfriend you over that.. especially since I love you too..
L- Really?!
Rosie- yea, I never expected you to actually like me back..
L- How could I not? Your perfect.. and never fail to make me feel better no matter what I'm going through...
Rosie- well no one else likes me.. like we're friends but they wouldn't ever think about dating me
L- well I would, your amazing and it's impossible for me not to love you.. I just didn't want to tell you
Rosie- I understand.. I've kept my feelings for you hidden for years (probably good to mention they've been freinds for 7 years because yea-) I didn't want to make you think of me differently and end up losing you.. so I never told you
L- like you said. Shut up, I wouldn't unfriend you over that. not even if I didn't like you back
Rosie- I should have known that.. but I didn't
L- that's fine, as long as I have you I'll be happy.
(Holy shIT- this is so Sappy- whY-)
Rosie- I love you
L- I love you too Rosie
I hope that was good, it was sappy as shit but I think it was cute also, don't ask why I decided to make it Fem!Sides I just did lmao but yea I'm probably gonna get some rest, it's 4:26 am so yea, have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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