~Intrulogical confession~ ("Monster..?" part 2)

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Im finally writing the Intrulogical part of this- sorry it took so long- I kinda forgot about it to be honest, but I went back and read my entire book and found so many mistakes and cringy lines-
Prompt- just the Intrulogical confession it what happened in Logans room after "Monster..?" ended
Onto the story~
Quick recap
~Rem- I'm not hearing things, am I?
Ro- Nope, now go tell him you like him too, I know you do
Rem- How do you know? And why does he like me? I threw a ninja star at him and knocked out his teeth...
Ro- You talk about him 24/7, don’t act like you don’t, and don’t ask me, ask him
Rem- true, I will

Remus sunk out and went to logans room~

Let's pick up there

Logan had fell face first on his bed
L- oh my god. That was so fucking embarrassing.
Remus rises up and sees Logan on the bed
L- I'm never talking to him again- I'll just embarrass myself
Rem- Logan
Logan shot his head up and saw Remus
L- how long have you been there
Rem- not long, I only heard you don't want to talk to me because you'll embarrass yourself
L- and I wasn't wrong, I just did. Anyway, why are you here?
Rem- I wanted to talk to you about what you said

- ok, I don't see what there is to talk about, pretty plain and simple, I said I liked you and left
Rem- yea no I understand what you said, I just don't really understand, why?
L- what do you mean?
Rem- like, why do you like me?
L- why wouldn't I?
Rem- you want a list Remus slightly laughs
L- actually yes, I want to know why you think I wouldn't like you
Rem- ok, one I threw a ninja Star at you, second I knocked out your teeth, third I threatened to "tear off your nipples and shove them up your nose", and fourth, I'm me, there's your list
L- one and two I didn't care, it's not like those hurt me, three I couldn't care less about threats and again it wouldn't hurt me, and four exactly, your you
Logan had fully sat up by now so Remus sits in front of him on the bed
L- why wouldn't I love you- I mean like, not love, like-
Rem- Lo, you don't make mistakes like that, do you love me?
L- y-yes, I do, I was trying not to say it yet, I mean we're barely friends so saying I love you would be weird..
Rem- I don't care about weird, and it's not really that weird since I love you too
L- you do?
Rem- yea I do
Logan smiles, making Remus smile aswell, and Logan laid his head in remus's lap while Remus played with his hair
L- so, uh, rem?
Rem- yea Lo-Lo?
L- blushes from the name uhm, what are we now then?
Rem- what do you want to be?
L- boyfriends
Rem- then that's what we are
Logan smiles as Roman rises up into the room
Ro- are you finally together?
L- out of my room
Ro- but Remus can stay?
L- yes. He can. You cannot.
Ro- that's rude.
Rem- Roman, shut up
Ro- how dare you
Rem- we're together, now leave, Go make out with Virgil or something
Ro- I- No- I'm leaving-
Roman left and Logan giggled making Remus blush
Rem- oh my god, your fucking adorable
L- no I am not
Rem- yes you are, your giggle is fucking adorable
L- how-
Rem- I've just never seen you laugh or giggle, or really just smiling, so it's just adorable
L- okay then another small giggle with a soft smile
Rem- oh my god your going to kill me
L- you can't die, none of us can
Rem- well your going to kill me
Logan laughs and snuggles up to remus's side remus smiles and plays with Logan's hair
L- I love you Rem
Rem- I love you too Lo-Lo
L- your going to metaphorically kill me with that nickname
Rem- one, stop with the big words, second, as you said you can't die
Logan looked at Remus
L- you know what I mean
Rem- yea I do, I like messing with you
L- of course you do
Remus and Logan just cuddled for a while until eventually falling asleep together
Oh and Roman did end up going to make out with Virgil, surprisingly Virgil's idea, not Romans
I hope that was as good as the first part- it probably wasn't but that's what I get for writing when I have no motivation except for the motivation not to do my homework, yea I'm finishing this at school and I barely finished my homework -_- I'm dumb as hell- but anyway- yea- I hope this was good- have a good day/night Guys Gals and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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