A/N Vent, you don't have to read

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Everyone keeps fucking misgendering me... Even my own fucking parents! I may dress feminine and wear makeup but that doesn't make me a girl.... I fucking hate this.... Is it because I wear skirts and dresses!? Have I not been clear enough that I'm not a girl!? What is it that makes them think I'm a girl and use she her... My mom even knew I USED to use she/they but only ever uses she/her now that I use they/them.... An I've told her (with a video but still..) and I have the NB flag on a painting and an drawing in my room... I was only trying They/Them but since no one uses it I keep pushing it and now I feel like I should just give up trying it and go back to she/they.... or Maybe just stop wearing fem clothing.... But I really like wearing skirts and dresses....

I'm sorry.... this is stupid.... I just needed to vent somewhere I have freinds and my parents aren't able to see... I said this on discord (in a vent chat) but I'm not really "Freinds" with them.... So I wanted to say it to whoever reads this... Because I know you guys are kind and my freinds (unless you don't wanna be considered my friend lol)

Anyway I hope you guys have had a good day/night Guys Gals and fellow non-binary pals..❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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