~Its not healthy..~ (Mosleep)

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remy_darling thanks for the prompt <3 I hope you like the story

~8:30am, 3rd person pov~
Remy was sleeping, as he had stayed up very late last night, Patton had just finished breakfast and went to get Remy and saw he was sleeping

Patton pov- he probably stayed up late again..

Patton went over and shook Remy awake, Remy tiredly groaned and sat up

P- Rem did you stay up late again..?
R- yea, I had a lot of work
P- you should really go to bed earlier, it's not healthy..
R- I know, you've told me this multiple times
P- i know.. I just want you to be healthy..
R- yea yea whatever, I'll be fine
P- ok.. Well breakfast is ready
R- ok, thanks Pat
P- Your welcome Rem

~Few weeks later, about 10:00 pm~
Remy had still been staying up late, Patton was trying to get him to stop but Remy would just wave him off and tell him he'd be fine, eventually Patton got annoyed of this and decided to do something about it, so he went to Remy's room, which Remy was working on some sort of paper on his computer

P- Hey Rem
R- hi Pat, you need something?
P- yea actually, I wanted to talk to you
R- 'bout?
P- well.. sigh nevermind, it's not important
Patton mumbles: and you might get mad
R- whatever it is I won't get mad and it is important pat
Remy stood up and stood behind Patton, wrapping his arms around pat's waist
P- it's really not important
R- ok, even if it's not important, you wanted to talk to me, so talk to me
P- fine.. well.. it's about how you keep staying up late and sleeping in so late..
R- ok, what about that? You've already told me it's unhealthy and I realize that
P- I know, but it doesn't seem like you do.. you just wave me off and say you'll be fine.. but if you keep doing this you'll get sick..
R- sigh Patton. I will be fine. I promise. (Remy is saying it in a way you can tell he's mad but trying to hide it)
P- ok..
Patton mumbles "I knew you would get mad" and just leaves the room, going to his room, obviously upset and from what Remy saw he might have been close to tearing up, Remy instantly felt bad, so he turned off his computer and went over to Patton's room, not bothering to knock since he usually didn't

~Remy pov~
I saw Patton on the bed cuddling a stuffed animal that I had gotten him last week and felt horrible, I shouldn't have used that tone, he was obviously just worried about me..

~3rd person pov~
P- oh, hi Remy
R- hi Pat
Remy went over to Patton and sat next to him, pulling him into his lap
R- I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I know you were just worried about me
P- it's fine Rem I shouldn't have brought it up agai-
R- No, you bringing it up was fine, I got mad for no reason, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
P- hmmm, let me help you fix your sleep schedule and movie nights until it's fixed
R- alright, I can do that
Remy slightly laughs and kisses Patton, Patton smiles and happily returns the kiss

Over the next week or so they would both cuddle up in Remy's room and watch movies until they both ended up falling asleep, by the next week Remy had gotten his sleep schedule fixed, but they continued the movie nights as a weekly thing since they both enjoyed it, and because I can, here's one of those nights

Around 9 pm, on a random Friday
Patton came into Remy's room, Remy was already on the bed waiting for him, Patton smiled and went to cuddle up to him, but not before kissing him
R- alright, what do you wanna watch tonight?
P- hmm a disney movie
R- which one?
P- wasn't there a new one? Uh, Encanto?
R- mhm, wanna watch that?
P- mhm
R- alright
Remy puts the movie on and they cuddle, falling asleep around halfway through the movie, deciding they'd finish it when they woke up
I'm procrastinating on homework so I finally finished this- also I added the Encanto part just to show that I'm obsessed- lol I'm watching it as I write this and it's amazing, if y'all haven't seen it, you should go watch it

Anyway, I really hope this is good, I hope y'all like it, now have a great day/night Guys Gals and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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