~You two need sleep~ (RemRoLo)

21 2 4

Thanks CoffeeeeeRemysanders  for the ship idea!

Prompt- Roman and Logan are overworking themselves and not sleeping, so Remy being the amazing boyfriend he is helps them sleep

I hope it's a good prompt, I can up with it and I don't think it's very good- but hopefully the story is good and I hope i write the ship well enough

Re- is Remy, not Remus like it usually is

Warnings- nothing I don't think
Roman and Logan had been staying up way to late working on video scripts and other stuff and Remy was tired of them staying up, so he decided to help them get to sleep
Remy went over to their shared room where Roman and Logan were working and went in and sat on the bed

Re- you two need sleep. Get over here
L- no what we need is this script done
Ro- we'll be fine Remy
Re- No, you've been up for days. Both of you. Please come sleep, it's midnight.
Ro- we'll be fine, you need to get sleep to, so you go sleep we'll sleep when we're done
Re- No, I'm not sleeping until you two go to sleep.
L- Hun you need to sleep, please go to sleep
Re- you two need sleep to. So no. I'm not sleeping until you two join me.
Ro- go to sleep mi amor, you need it, and if you don't sleep Thomas's sleep will be affected
Re- if you two don't sleep Thomas's creativity and logical thinking will be affected.
L- True, but Thomas needs to sleep, so do you
Re- But I'm not sleeping until you two do
Ro- sigh Love, you need to sleep
Re- so do you. Now come sleep or I'm not sleeping.
L- go to sleep, were almost done, we'll go to sleep soon I promise
Re- no. You can work on it tomorrow.
Ro- this is tomorrows video
Re- and are you two going to be in the video?
L- yes, of course we are
Re- then you need sleep to be able to do the video. You can Finish it tomorrow. Thomas can wait a few minutes while you finish.
L- I guess your right.. fine, Roman come on, we can finish it tomorrow, we'll just get up early-
Re- No. Your sleeping as long as you can. You've been up for days, a few hours of sleep won't be enough.
Ro- we need to get up early if we're going to finish it
Re- then you'll still be tired in the morning
L- that's what coffee is for
Re- I can't believe I'M saying this, but no, you need sleep, not coffee
Ro- who are you and what did you do with Remy-
Re- shush, I'm just saying you need sleep
L- fine, if we sleep and sleep in, will you be happy?
Re- very much so
Ro- fine, if you'll be happy then we'll sleep

Remy smiled and Logan and Roman went over and cuddled Remy
They all slept in the next day, Roman an Logan were so tired it was hard to wake them up
~when they woke up~ (like 1pm)
Remy was on his phone when they woke up
Ro- good morning love kisses Remy's cheek
Re- afternoon, but yes good afternoon
L- afternoon?
Re- yep, it's 1pm, I told you, you two would sleep in
Ro- you made us sleep longer didn't you
Re- I mean, I'm sleep, of course I did, you two needed sleep and I have the power to let you get sleep
L- of course you did, we need to work now
Re- nope, Thomas pushed the video to next week since you two haven't been sleeping
Ro- what? But he'll get off schedule
Re- he'll still post, just not a sander sides, I think he said he'd do another "we take requests" with Joan, they're downstairs working on the video with Thomas
L- we still need to finish the video script
Re- you need to take a break
Ro- fine we'll work on it tomorrow ok?
Re- ok
I hope that was good, the ending was meh but I hope the rest of it was ok If anyone else has any requests for ships or prompts that'd be great :)  but anyway have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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