~"UNMUTE! UNMUTE! UNMUTE!"~ (Prinxiety)

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I found this on Pinterest- I had to write it- I love it
TW- swearing, cringy writing- let me know if there's more-

L- guys, shut the hell up, he doesn't have to unmute if he doesn't want to, this is probably very stressful for him
Virgil, Roman, Thomas, Patton, and Logan were all on a discord call right now, Thomas Patton and Roman were all chanting "unmute" as you just saw, Virgil was very anxious and everyone could see that, he was ok with his camera being on he just didn't like unmuting, but they had finally convinced him to unmute, Virgil finally unmuted
L- you don't have to talk if you don't want to virgil
V- n-no, it's okay Logan
Roman just stood up and walked over to the other side of his room, which the others could see
P- Kiddo? What are you do-
R- Distantly but very clearly HOLY FUCK IM IN LOVE
V- W-what?
L- I believe he's in love with you Virgil
Roman sat back at his desk
R- wait shit I didn't mute-
L- no, no you didn't Roman
R- y'all heard nothing-
V- w-we definitely heard that- you screamed it-
R- shit- well that takes away the problems of planning how to tell you-
V- you don't know if I like you back though
Virgil mumbled "I do but you don't know that"
R- I do now, you don't mumble very quietly
V- well I'm not used to you guys hearing me-
T- did we just witness a relationship starting because we convinced Virgil to unmute-
P- I think so-
R- best decision we've made together-
L- you guys barely make decisions in general, that's me and Virgil, mostly me anyway, and I'm pretty sure I brought up this idea anyway, so be quiet
Virgil giggled at that and Roman literally fell out of his chair
R- holy shit-
V- are you ok?!
R- Yea I'm fine- i may have just died and went to heaven but I'm fine-
Virgil giggled again, Roman literally looked like a tomato-
L- Virgil stop giggling before you kill Roman-
V- sorry Ro-
R- it's fine- I'm fine- but yea please just stop giggling- I may literally die or fall out of my chair again-
V- sorry- I'll stop- 
R- I didn't think I would love you this much-
T- no one thought you'd like him, you two are always fighting-
V- I mean I didn't think any of you guys would like me so- especially not Ro-
R- why are you using nicknames all of a sudden? That's not usually your thing
V- it's habit- I use nicknames with people I love- I don't know why I do it-
R- I like that habit- so can I use nicknames on you?
V- if it's not 'My chemically imbalanced romance' 'emo nightmare' or anything like that then yes-
R- stormcloud?
V- s-sure
Virgil very clearly liked that nickname since he blushed at it
P- you two are adorable, but you do remember we're here to right-
R- yes we remember- we're just not paying attention-
V- I honestly forgot- I just knew it was me Ro and Logan since you two are so quiet-
T- wow-
L- you guys are being really quiet, if Patton hadn't said something I may have forgotten to
They all continue talking for a few hours before Thomas Logan and patton leave and Virgil and Roman stayed on the call and planned to meet up eventually and fell asleep while still on the call together (because that's adorable and I can't stop thinking about where my crush fell asleep on a call with me-)
I hope that was good- uh- I'm very tired- it's 5 am- but yea I hope you liked that- but have a great day/night Guys Gals and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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