Vent-Shot, Prinxiety

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You don't need to read this, I doubt anyone really will, but if you do, thank you 💜

Ok ignore the pic I didn't wanna look for anything better and I made that a while ago- anyway a call these vent-shots now, it's a Oneshots but based on what I'm going through right now I guess, like how I'm feeling, so it's also a vent? Idk, I just wanted to do something to get my mind off the fact I have the strongest urge to sh that I've had in a long time, I actually don't think I've ever wanted to this bad but I just want to feel something other then mental and physical exhaustion and I can't think of anything else to do to help

ANYWAY, enough plain venting, I wanted to write a Oneshot not a vent lol

Uh- Virgil is gonna be a afab enby in this because that's what I am so it would make the most sense for a vent-shot (that's not gonna stick but I'm still using it lol), also no one has walked in one me but for a happy ending to happen someone has to walk in on Virgil-

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️TW: swearing, mention of wanting to throw up, mention of wanting to self harm, mention of someone saying they're gonna unalive themself, and I think that's it, please tell me if I missed something, it's really late/early and I'm tired⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Virgil is just sitting in their room, it's about 3 in the morning, and they're feeling horrible. For what reason? ABSOLUTELY NONE, according to them, they're trying to sleep but can't, they have music playing quietly, at least that's what they thought, until their boyfriend walked in quietly and paused it before looking at them
R- what's wrong
V- I don't know what you mean, nothings wrong, I was just playing music, sorry for waking you
R- your playing music at 3 in the morning and cuddling the giant teddy bear you usally just lay on, and you have one of the hoodies you wear when your dysphoric on, and it looks like you were crying, what's wrong Vee
V- absolutely nothing...
R- then what's the problem?
V- That's the problem... Nothing is wrong so I don't know why I feel like this....
R- you don't always need reasons to be sad, do you want to talk about what's wrong?
V- I guess....
Roman sits on Virgil's bed and they lay their head in his lap
R- ok, first, why are you still up and 3 am? We have school in a few hours
V- I'm too mentally exhausted to be physically exhausted but I am physically exhausted, does that make sense?
R- yea, it does, ok now what made you feel so bad all of a sudden?
V- I don't know, I just started feeling bad
R- Alright, well are there certain things you feel bad about?
V- yes
R- like what?
V- my tits and lack of money to hide them, all the shit I have to do that I know I won't have time for, I'm on the verge of breaking down and throwing up, I feel like a bad friend and partner for absolutely no reason, I also have the urge to uhm.. cut I guess.. and probably more but I can't think of anything else..
R- well let's address one problem at a time, you can buy a binder eventually, and until then you'll have freinds and me to help with your dysphoria, the stuff you have to do can wait if your having a bad time mentally, you can always breakdown down if you need to, throwing up may be a bigger problem though- might wanna take some medicine or see a doctor-
Virgil slightly laughs
R- anyway, your not a bad friend or partner, if you were we would say something to you, or just start distancing ourselves from you out of nowhere, and the self harm issue isn't really something I can help with, it'd probably be better to see a thera-
V- no. No way I'm hell am I going to therapy.
R- why not?
V- it's to expensive, I'm not an adult yet so my parents would probably have to know about it and I'm not telling them about any of this ever, and I doubt it'd help
R- Alright, well if you don't want an actual therapist, you can always just talk to me and our friends
V- I'd rather not vent to you guys...
R- why?
V- an old friend I had would always vent to me and made me feel bad for feeling bad and made me hate venting to people, she never did it directly but she did it, and I've stopped talking to her but I still feel the same, and the one time I vented I was kinda joking about it even though I just went through serious shit because I didn't want to vent to her
R- how'd she make you feel bad for feeling bad?
V- she always was saying she was gonna kill herself and I had to stop her and if I'm remembering correctly it was because of her boyfriend that she's still with
R- Alright well that's a lot to unpack- but you have better friends now, we'll gladly listen if you need us to
V- your right.. thanks Ro..
R- no problem stormcloud
Virgil just kinda pulls Roman down to cuddle him, Roman kinda laughs and cuddles Virgil, eventually they both fall asleep
I may have done this in like an hour and I have school at 8am and it's 5:34am- but anyway yea- everything Virgil said was how I'm feeling now- and everything Roman said is what I wish I could have someone tell me but I hate venting to freinds because of the mentioned ex-friend also I know this is probably shitty but I just needed to get it out before I forgot all of it because I repressed it so I didn't break down in school, anyway I'ma hopefully pass out now, I hope you guys gals and fellow non-binary pals have a good day/night

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