Comfort Cuddles

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Prompt: Prinxiety Fluff with some angst sprinkled in (Smol Virgil and Big Roman was also asked for, so Smol Virgil and tall Roman)

Requested- Yes (_WormTime)

The text fonts are the same as last chapter, except
underlined is thoughts

It was 2 in the morning and Virgil hadn't been able to sleep, he had his headphones on trying to ignore his thoughts, but his music wasn't helping this time, he had been crying because of his thoughts

No one cares about you
Roman won't like you back
Not even Thomas likes you
You should just duck out again
V- Shut up!

His crying worsened

No one would care if you left
Roman has said himself he doesn't like you
You can't do anything right
V- Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!

Roman woke up hearing Virgil yelling and ran over to his room sword drawn

R- Virgil? Are you ok? I heard you yelling?

V- everything's fine, not like you care anyway....

Roman went over and hugged Virgil pulling him onto his lap and running his hands through Virgils hair

R- of course I care Virgil... why wouldn't I?

V- you've said it yourself... you don't like me....

R- Virgil.... Do you remember what I said during the first asides?

V- what part? You said a lot

R- "look this is how I show my love" remember?

V- what does that have to do with this?

R- I love you..

V- w-what?

R- I said I love you

V- y-you do...?

R- yes, I do.. It's ok if you don't feel the sam-

Virgil had been sitting in romans lap and since he was smaller, he leaned up to kiss roman

R- I'm glad you feel the same, but can I know what happened earlier?

V- nothing, I'm sorry if I woke you up

R- it's fine you woke me up, something was obviously wrong

V- It was nothing

R- Virgie... please tell me, I can't help if you don't tell me

V- I don't need help.

R- Virgil. You were screaming 'shut up'. I don't believe you "Don't need help"

V- I'm fine

R- Virgil, please tell me

V- I was just having some thoughts...

R- About?

V- it was really nothing

R- if it was nothing why won't you tell me?

Virgil started crying

V- that no one would have cared if I ducked out... and you wouldn't like me back... and more but variations of that kept repeating...

R- Hey.. Everyone would care if you ducked out.. You know what happened last time.. And obviously I like you back, I love you

V- You're only saying that...

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