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I'm sorry for not writing for awhile, school started and I've been busy, I've also been trying to keep up on cosplays for my TikTok, but I'll try and write more lol
I was reading _WormTime's book "idk" when I thought of this, she posted something about octopuses so I thought of this, and when I said the idea of this they said it was cool, so I also hope you like it :) (I really hope I used your pronouns correctly, if not please correct me. I like using multiple pronouns per sentence if someone uses more then one)
And this wasn't gonna be a ship but I love Intrulogical so it's a ship post now 😂
Prompt- Logan finds out Remus is an octopus and has always been fascinated with them so he asks Remus questions about them to learn more
This font is me
This will be narration
This will be thoughts/thinking
Logan had heard from Roman that Remus's animal trait was an octopus, an animal he's always liked and wanted to learn about, so he went over to Remus's room and knocked, after a thump, Remus probably fell of his bed, the door opened and Remus was surprised to see Logan standing in front of him
R- uh, hey Logan, did you need something?
L- well yes actually, Roman told me your animal trait is an octopus, so I was wondering if I could ask you about them? I've always liked them but never been able to learn more about them
R- oh, yea of course
L- thanks Remus
Logan gave a small smile which made Remus smile aswell, he had never seen Logan smile, even if it was a small one
R- oh my god that's so cute- wait what- no, I can't start liking a light side, especially Logan he'd never like me back anyway
Logan relized Remus seemed to be thinking about something
L- you alright Remus?
R- Huh- oh yea I'm fine, anyways, why'd you come to me instead of like doing research like you normally do?
L- uh, I geuss I just wanted to actually talk to a person instead of a computer for once
That was a lie and Logan knew it, he just wanted an excuse to be with Remus, he had liked him for awhile but knew he shouldn't, he didn't have a reason he shouldn't he just knew it
R- oh alright, well do you want to come in and you can ask me what you want to know?
L- sure
Logan and Remus went into the room and Remus sat on the bed, Logan stood next to it so he wouldn't overstep
R- go ahead and sit if you want
L- okay
Logan sat on the bed opposite of Remus
R- so what do you want to know?
And a ~time Skip~ brought to you by "I'm writing this at school right before I go inside please help me ahhhhh-" (true story lmao)
Logan had been asking Remus a bunch of questions and Remus was answering as best he could, he had to admit he didn't know everything but Logan understood and said he'd try and look it up later if Remus didn't know
Logan had went to the bathroom for a minute and Remus is still sitting on his bed
R- shit, I like him.. ugh why does this happen to me, he wouldn't like me back
Logan came back and asked a few more questions before saying "that's all, I'll leave now" Remus tried to think of an excuse to get Logan to stay, Logan also wanted a reason to stay but neither could think of one
R- hey uh, actually could I ask you something?
L- yea, what is it?
R- well, it's more telling you something, but still
L- alright, go ahead
Remus was quiet for a few seconds before speaking again
R- alright I'm just going to get straight (good luck with that{I stopped writing at school here lmao idk why I even did that-}) to the point
L- is something wrong?
R- no, I just need to say something and I don't exactly know how to
L- take your time, figure out how you want to say it or whatever, I don't have anything to do so I can wait
Remus nodded and took a few minutes to figure it out
R- alright, I'm just going to say it, I like you, and I know you probably won't feel the sam-
L- Wait, what? You like me? Like romantically?
R- yea.. Its alright if you don't feel the same
L- no, no I do, just give a minute to process that
Remus just kinda sat there in shock while Logan tried to process what Remus had just said
~A few seconds later~
L- I'm good now, sorry I just didn't expect you to actually like me back
R- I didn't either, so uhm, would you like to be my boyfriend?
L- that would be satisfactory
R- stop it with your big smart words nerd
L- Logan giggled fine, then yes, yes I would
R- oh my- your giggle is even cuter then your smile
Logan blushed and turned away, hiding a smile
R- aww did I make you blush?
Remus laughed a little bit and Logan just mumbled a "be quiet"
R- nah, being quiet is boring
Remus sat next to Logan and pulled him onto his lap
L- I uh, I love you Rem
R- I love you too Logan
Ahh- I hope that was good again sorry for not posting often, I always have alot of homework and stuff and I'm always super tired after school, so much so that the first day I had like 7 breakdowns and fell asleep as soon as I could since I was half asleep while doing the homework that led to the breakdowns lmao
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, I have a few I'm working on and yea, if you have any requests that'd be nice, after I'm don't with the ones I'm writing I have no idea what to write lmao (even tho I'll probably do requests as soon as I get them and put off other things lol) anyway have a great day/night/afternoon Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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