Vent A/N

11 1 7

😃I swear- if I get kicked out of Accelerated math-

Okay so my grade for math was 68% and I did two assignments out of like six, my grade needs to be 85% to stay in the class

And it's currently 4:30 am on the day before all assignments are due, including revisions (basically a chance to fix assignments)

I have a I "get up" for school in about 2 hours, this week has already sucked and I'm questioning whether or not I should still use they/them pronouns cuz no one uses them, but that's a story for another time. (Aka never) so uh yea-

I may get kicked out of math- and according to my dad I'd basically have to start all over if I get kicked out.... So I don't know what to do... I can't get this all done tonight, and it's Monday, everything is due on Tuesday...I don't think I'll be able to get this done.... I mean it's not as bad as my friend who has like a 40 something in the same class... So I guess it's fine.... But I still don't know what to do.... I'm tired as hell but I have to do my work... I also have science work.... That's due today....

I know these vents are annoying since I have a vent book now but I just felt like putting this here, Sorry if I'm annoying, I know you guys probably just want another actual update to the book and not more vents, I'm truly sorry about that, but I'll work on one as soon as possible

But yea I hope you have a great Day/Night/Afternoon Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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