~Midnight shopping run~ (DLAMP)

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It says ot3, yes, I see that, but I can't think of a poly ship with only three that would do this, so I'm doing DLAMP

Also I'm sorry for not posting a chapter in forever- holy shit October 13 was the last chapter, ok I'm sorry about that, school had been really stressful, but I'm back

Ok so I've been reading a lot so my writing should improve a little, I hope y'all enjoy this, also please request something, I've been out of ideas to write so that's also why I haven't posted anything

Anyway onto the story!~

Remus had needed something for a project he's working on, but he had much more to do, so Ro, Lo, Pat, Vee, and Jan all agree to go get it for him (don't ask why all of them go- plot convenience)

Once they get to the store, Janus had been drinking on the way there, because ✨wine mom✨, and so he was tipsy
Right now they were walking around trying to find what rem needed

Vee pov
"Ro stop putting things in the cart, we don't need those" Pat was trying to get Ro to stop putting unnecessary items in the cart, it wasn't working very well so Pat was just putting things back, and Ro would put them back in the cart if he realized, so Pat had to be sneaky, poor pat he looks done with Ro "Ro, please stop, it's to late for this it's midnight, were just here for Rem" I say trying to help Pat "fine fine, whatever" finally he stops

I was pushing the cart, Jan was clinging to me and giggling for some reason, probably because he was tipsy, I knew I shouldn't have let him drink on the way here

"Lo, hunny, we love you but stop commentating on everything" I tell Lo, he has been commenting on everything we pass and saying how we could use it, it was way to late for this, why did Rem need something at midnight

Jan had been clinging on to everyone the entire time, he's banned from wine whenever we drive somewhere

We finally get what Rem needed and we get to the register, I start to pay for everything, looks like Ro managed to sneak some things past Pat, yea he's paying me back later, so is Rem, it's his fault I had to deal with this- anyway, as I'm giving the cashier the money they give me a sympathetic look
"Long night I'm guessing" oh they would not believe it
"We've been here for like half an hour, it feels like we've been here for 5 hours" this was not an exaggeration, that's what it felt like
"Oh stop being dramatic, that's my job, it has not felt like that long"
"Ro, be quiet, you did not have to deal with everyone and keep everyone in line and stop Janus from bumping into everything" I glare at Jan while I say the last part, Jan just roles his eyes and continues clinging on to Pat who just looked like he wanted to pass out, so did I, so I finished paying and we went home

Janus went to bed, Pat also went to bed, Ro and Lo went to work on a script for the next sander sides video, they really should go to bed but I'm to tired to tell them to, I go to Remus and hand him the bag with his stuff
"Thanks Vee, are you ok? you look tired as shit-"
"Don't even, you owe me, not just money for that, Jan got drunk, Ro was just plain annoying and Lo wouldn't stop talking, Pat and I had to deal with them all"
"Sorry vee, I told you guys I could go out myself"
"Yea yea whatever, I'm going to bed, don't wake me up until like 5 pm tomorrow"
"Ok ok, go to bed you need it"
I go to bed, cuddling Jan and Pat and just before I pass out Ro and Lo join us, I pass out soon after
I hope that was good, I'm not good at story's with quotes and that's why I do the "V-" thing, I may go back to do that, but yea I hoped you enjoy, and please request things so I have things to write- oh and if you haven't please go read the A/N I posted 6 days ago (or just the last chapter-) it's pretty important, have a great day Guys Gals and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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