Nowhere To Go... {Intrulogical, again-}

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Im on an intrulogical hero villain au brainrot for some reason- but yea I don't have any things to say rn so onto the story
Remus's pov

I hear a knock on my door, which is confusing because Janus and Virgil are both home and asleep? Plus they're the only ones who live here with me, so I go open the door, when I do I see Logan Berry, one of the heros that keep coming after us, but he looks like hes about to pass out, why is he here? "Do you need something Logan?" It looks like he's about to say something but he passed out, I catch him and bring him inside, virgil comes down
"Why the hell is there a hero in our house"
"Virgil. I would love to answer that. But he knocked and passed out, I don't know why the hell he's here."
"Oh, that's really weird, but still be cautious until we know what's happening"
"I will, I'll bring him to the guest room and stay in there till he wakes up" and I do just that, I bring Logan to our guest room and I stay there until he wakes up
Time Skip, Logan's Point Of Veiw
I wake up and look around, I forgot where I went before I passed out, but I remember I went to the villains house, I'm surprised they actually brought me in.. I look over and see Remus, he looks at me and sees I'm up
"Oh you woke up finally" I just stay quiet "why did you come here?"
"I had nowhere to go.. And I feel like this was the best place I could have gone....."
"Why did you even need somewhere to go?"
"Uhm.. something Roman and Patton did..."
"What the fuck did Roman do now"
"I forgot you were brothers..- but it's not important what he did..."
"Tell me what he did" should I tell him....? I mean he's the nicest person I know despite being a villain....
"Uhm... Him and Patton found out something about me and they got really mad..." I roll up my hoodie sleeve and show him all the bruises, he just looks at them for a while
"What did they find out that they hurt you like this..?"
"I mean it started with me accidentally saying you guys aren't that bad of people.... And then they kept asking questions and found out that ive been thinking of joining you guys......."
"What why?"
"Because of them.. they treat me horribly and I doubt they'll even realize I'm gone..."
"Oh" he stays quiet for awhile. I should probably leave soon... There's no way they'd let me join them anyway and I don't think any of them want a hero in their house... "Do you really wanna join us?" Oh god, why is he asking, there's no way he'll let me
"Yea... I'm sick of being a hero...."
"K, then, join us"
"Join us! Virgil and Janus would probably be fine with it if you prove to them you aren't like, acting as like a double agent or something, I believe you though"
"What would I have to do to prove it to them..?"
"Uh, I dunno, you'd have to ask them, I'll go get them if you want"
Remus leaves and comes back with Janus and Virgil behind him
"Why is he still here Remus" Virgil must have seen me earlier if he asked why I'm still here..
"Because he just woke up dumbass, but if you'd let me explain I can tell you why your here"
"Virgil it's alright, he won't do anything and if he does me and Remus are here to make sure he doesn't touch you" they seem protective of each other.. I wish it was like that with Roman and Patton...
"I'm more worried about you guys, but whatever, go ahead and explain Remus"
"He wants to join us, and I know you two probably need him to convince you to stay, he's already showed me why he came here so I believe him"
"And why is he here?" Yea I don't expect them to believe me.... I just role up my sleeves and look away "what happened?"
"Roman and patton, who else would do that Janus?"
"Roman I expect but Patton?" I nod at Virgil when he asks
"They did it because I wanted to join you guys.."
Janus looked at me for a second "if you don't do anything for a week we'll let you join us."
"Jan don't be so harsh on him, come on" why is Remus defending me..?
"I guess your right, you know what they've done, do you think hes actually telling the truth?" Know what they've done?
"Considering I came here with the same bruises, yes, I do, and he literally passed out on our doorstep Jan, no one would do this just to do what Roman and Patton do" wait they did the same thing to Remus..? Was this before I joined Roman and Patton..?
"Then fine, he can join us, but one wrong move and he's gone."
"Alright, you two can leave now then"
Janus and Virgil leave, I just roll my sleeves back down, as I go to thank him Roman calls me, I answer
"What Roman.."
"Where the fuck are you."
"None of your business... Leave me alone..."
"No! Get the fuck back here!"
"No...! I'm not going back...!"
"Yes. Get back here."
I got to respond but Remus takes my phone
"He's not coming back. He's staying with us now. When you and Patton can be not fucking abusive, maybe he'll come back. But for now, he's staying here."
"No. He's coming back."
"No he's not." And Remus hangs up
"You didn't need to do that....."
"I know I didn't, but I understand what they did to you, so I'm going to be protective of you.."
"Thank you...." I yawn
"If your tired you can go back to sleep" I don't know if I should... I know Virgil and Janus don't really trust me... What if they're like Roman and Patton.... Or if they find a way to get to me... "If your scared to I can stay in here while you sleep"
"You don't have to..."
"You sure?"
"Mmm, too bad, I'm staying, go to sleep"
"You don't have to.. I can't sleep with other people near me anyway..."
"Fair, I really can't either, but it also feels safer to have someone near me or at least knowing where someone is, and you wouldn't know where anyone is in this house yet"
"Fine if you really want to stay I guess you can..."
Remus sits on the bed next to me and I lay down and almost immediately fall asleep

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