"I wanna cuddle" ~prinxiety~

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Hi- so- this is based on an account I follow on Tumblr- sleepyvirgilprompts, as you can see in the pic- I really like their prompts, so I wanted to write something with them, so here's one- cus I'm bored- lol but yea, onto the story!

3rd person
Virgil is unbelievably cuddly when he gets too sleep-deprived. Seriously, unbelievably-- the first question isn't "why is Virgil acting like this", it's "why is Patton wearing Virgil's clothes and makeup".

And this is one of those times, but, with someone who isn't used to it, Roman. Virgil avoids being near him when tired because he knows how he can get, and being around your crush while clingy is never ideal. But this time, there's no avoiding it. Everyone else is busy so when Virgil gets the urge to cuddle someone, he has no choice but to go to Roman's room. He eventually builds up the courage to go over and just as he's about to knock Roman opens the door

Roman's pov
"Oh my god- he looks adorable-" I thought as I looked at Virgil, he was wearing nightmare before Christmas pajamas, his normal eyeshadow, and he was carrying a raccoon plushie, about the same size as a real raccoon.
"Oh god no what am I thinking, he looks how he normally does, why is this time so different" while I was thinking to myself, Virgil backs up a bit, I probably scared him when I opened the door.
"Do you need something Virgil?" I don't know why else he'd be here "u-uhm.. only if your not busy.." he says, god he's adorable "I'm not, whatcha need?" "I wanna cuddle and everyone else is busy.." he sounds very reluctant to ask me, I wonder why? Anyway, I smile at him and open the door more "come in J-Delightful" "I told you to stop calling me that- I don't like JD- he's literally a terrorist- he tried to bomb a school-" I laugh and fluff his hair as he comes in "oh well, it's a cute nickname, like you" oh god did I really just say that- "w-what?" I look at him and realize he's blushing. I figure I am too, I glance to my vanity mirror and see that I am "I uhm- I didn't say anything-" "no you definitely did" I did but I didn't mean to- "no I didn't- I don't know what you mean" "Ro-Ro you definitely said I'm cute" i just blush more "Ro-Ro? Since when have you called me that?" "Uhm- never to your face but a lot behind your back-" how much does he talk about me- "ok- well yes I called you cute- but I'm not wrong-" I mean I'm not "yes you are" "no I'm not" "you are but I'm not arguing with you, I want cuddles" I laugh and go over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and I sit in the bed and pull him down with me, I lay back and pull him with me, he starts laughing and just wraps his arms around my neck and his legs somewhat around mine, I smile at him and I flips our positions, so he's on his back and I'm above him, he blushes more
"R-Ro what are you doing-" "fucking with you" I say before I laugh and just lay on top of him instead of holding myself up "oh I hate you" "for fucking with you or for laying on you?" "Both- and for you not kissing me- you were in prime kissing position and you just crush me- " oh- well if it's a kiss he wants, I just look him in the eyes and smile before kissing him, he kisses back and we do that for a bit, only stoping to breathe, once we're done I move our position so we're in the middle of my bed now, he's in my lap and he's cuddling up to me and hugging his raccoon
"Happy now?" I ask him "very" he mumbles, I play with his hair and within a few minutes he's fast asleep, I keep playing with his hair but stay quiet to make sure I don't wake him, I eventually fall asleep too, I just hope Patton doesn't come in while we're cuddling- Virgil would wake up immediately- and he looks so peaceful right now- so much more then normal- I can just lock my door to make sure no one comes in and wakes him up

Roman snaps to lock his door and keeps cuddling Virgil, he eventually falls asleep too

~Time skip to a few hours later, still romans pov~

I woke up and saw Virgil was awake and just staring at me, he quickly looks down, I smile and put a finger under his chin and tilt his head up
"Like what you see?~" I tease him and he blushes a lot more, "s-shut up, you just looked pretty and I needed to entertain myself somehow before you woke up" I giggle and kiss him quickly "you could have woke me up, you could have put on a movie, you could have done so many other things, but you chose to stare at me?~" he blushes more and buries his head in my chest, all I hear is a muffled mumble that sounds like "shut up princey" I laugh and lift his head up again "aw come on my emo nightmare, I'm just teasing, your cute when your flustered" he throws his raccoon in my face, I playfully scoff "wow rude, throwing your raccoon in my face, maybe you don't deserve my cuddles" he just crawls on top of me, or more since I'm on my side, he crawls into my side "ok koala-" "shush, you can't get rid of me now so I still get your royal cuddles" I laugh "whatever you say my shadowling" "shadowling?" "Yea, your always like in the shadows and shadowling sounds cute" he smiles, I smile back "you wanna stop being a koala and cuddle me normally now?" He laughs and goes to cuddle up to me how he was but someone knocks so he crawls behind me, I snap so the door is unlocked "come in!" Once I say that vee kinda hides and Patton comes in, he doesn't see vee "I made dinner, so you can come down and eat when you want to, also have you seen Virgil? I checked his room but he wasn't there" he'll question us if I show him vee is in here- "I haven't but I'll tell him you made dinner when I see him" "alright, bye kiddo" Patton leaves and Virgil goes back in front of me "I really didn't want him to squeal at us cuddling so thanks for not telling him-" "yea I knew he'd squeal or ask questions and I don't wanna deal with that- but we probably should go eat dinner" "but I'm still tiredddddd" I laugh and fluff his hair "we can nap after dinner" "fineeeeeeee" I pick him up and get up and then set him down, and we both go down for dinner

We sit at the table and Pat looks up when we do, vee sits next to me
"Oh hey kiddos! Vee where were you?" Pat asks
"Uhmm in the bathroom, Roman brought me down when I came out" vee said, painfully obviously lying
"Bullshit" Janus says
"Shut up snake" vee argues
"Wow rude" Janus rolls his eyes while saying that
"Both of you stop or I'm sending you to your rooms to eat alone" Pat says
"He started it" vee says
"Vee, shush, just eat, and Janus, stop" I say, trying to help pat get them to stop arguing, vee just eats, Janus does too, I eat and vee kinda cuddles up to me
This is so bad, and I definitely didn't start this like a year ago and finish it now, no definitely not ✋😭 anyway, yea uh hope you like this ig- have a good day/night guys galls and non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍💖💙

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