~Forbidden Love~ (Remake)

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I'm bored so I decided to rewrite somethin and I chose this so- yea- 

Warnings: swearing, Remus being Remus, I think that's it, please tell me if there's anything else! <3
Patton has a rule. Light sides cant date dark sides. They just cant. Its wrong. 

He thought everyone followed it, but as he was checking on all his kiddos, he realized that was wrong

He opened Romans door to check on Roman and found Roman sitting on his bed, Virgil sitting in his lap, cuddling up to Roman, and Roman was playing with Virgil's hair

"Roman!" Patton yelled, Virgil got upset because he was trying to sleep and he cuddled up to Roman more
"Patton! Virgil is trying to sleep! He hasn't slept in like a week, and before you say anything, I don't care about your stupid rule! Virgil is the best person I could ever be with, I'm going to date him whether you like it or not!" Roman argues, trying to console Virgil and calm him down to get back to sleep
"But-!" Patton tries to argue
"No! If you were dating who you thought was your soulmate and everyone here told you to break up with them, would you?" Roman cuts Patton off
"No I guess not.. but he's a d-" Patton again tries to argue
"He's not a dark side anymore. He's a light side." Roman again cut Patton off
"I left them for a reason... I didn't want to be the bad guy... You guys accepted me..." Virgil quietly says, wanting to argue but not wanting to make pat upset cus then he'd feel bad
"Exactly, so you can't argue that I'm not even following your rule!" Roman agrees
"Fine! But Vee is the only acception to my rule!" Patton finally caves, he leaves the room, closing the door, and he moves on to check on Logan

When he opens Logan's door, he sees Logan and Remus on the bed, also cuddling, but because Remus is Remus, he's fucking with Logan and kissing his neck, Logan immediately looks at Patton when he comes in and playfully slaps Remus to get him to stop for a minute
"You too?!" Patton is getting upset now
"Me too?" Logan says, confused
"He's talking about Roman and Virgil Starlight, they're dating, you said he checks on Roman and then you and then Virgil, they must have been together" Remus says
"Oh, right, I forgot they were dating for a minute" Logan says
"I let us slide with them because Virgil is a light side now, but Remus?! He's the least accepted!" Patton yells
"He's the least accepted among us because you don't like dark sides, Thomas's fans actually love him" Logan says, arguing Patton's point
"They also call me a rat though-" Remus says
"I don't care about what his fans think about Remus! He's bad!" Patton argues
"He's not bad, he's the only one who actually listens to me, if he's bad then I'll go join the fucking dark sides" Logan argues, getting mad at Patton, Remus is staying quiet, Patton is making him feel bad by calling him a bad person, Logan sees that and sits up and kisses Remus's cheek

"Your making him feel bad, he's not a bad person just because he represents intrusive thoughts. He can't change what he represents, he has to deal with the intrusive thoughts he represents too, that's not an easy thing to do. He has to deal with Thomas's intrusive thoughts and his own." Logan is very mad now
"Starlight, chill, I'm fine" Remus attempts to calm Logan down
"No, I'm not letting him call you a bad person" Logan tries to argue more but Remus pulls Logan down
"Chill out Starlight"
"I didn't know he had intrusive thoughts too" Patton says
"Of course I do, Virgil has anxiety, your emotional, Roman is creative" Remus says
"Oh, I guess that makes sense, but still! Your a dark side!" Patton says
"Because you won't accept me, if you accept me, I can be a light side" Remus argues

"Patton your not going to stop me from dating Remus" Logan says
"And I'm not gonna stop dating my Starlight" Remus adds
"Remus I'm gonna slap you if you keep calling me Starlight around other people" Logan says to Remus
"Aw come on Starlight, it's adorable" Remus smiles at Logan
"It is a cute nickname coming from Remus" Patton says
"See even pattycake agrees" Remus says
"Ughhhhhh I hate both of you" Logan says, cuddling close to Remus, Remus laughs and just goes back to what he was doing before Patton came in
"Remusssss not with Patton in the room"
"I'll leave, don't be loud please my room is in between yours and Romans room, I know I don't have to deal with it from Roman because Vee is trying to sleep-" Patton says, Logan blushes even though it's not visible, but Remus can kinda see it and laughs
"We won't be, pattycake" Remus says as Patton leaves

Patton goes back to his own room and flops down in his bed
"I guess my one rule is gone, whatever, there's only one dark side and me left anyway" Patton thinks to himself
"Not like I'd ever date Janus"

~~Time skip, a few days later~~

Roman Logan Virgil Patton and Janus were filming a video, Patton found himself staring at Janus aot of the time, during on of the breaks they take while filming Janus decides to confront him about it
"Are you ok Patton? You've been staring at me for a lot of the day" Janus says as he sits next to Patton, who's sitting on the floor in his normal spot
"Oh uhm, yea I'm fine, sorry if I've been staring at you I didn't mean to" Patton responds
"Meh, it's fine I just wanted to know why" Janus says
"I uh, I don't know why, I guess I've just been zoning out thinking about things and your closest to me, your spot is now at the door so your in between me and virge, I don't know why Thomas thought that was a good idea-" Patton says

"I don't know why I thought it was a good idea either patron ask Logan he's my brain" Thomas says from the couch, Patton laughs
"I had no choice in that decision don't bring me into this" Logan says from the floor in front of the TV, he's there because Remus wanted to be alone with Logan and that was the only free area, since Roman had moved to the stairs to cuddle with Virgil, and Logan wanted to cuddle Remus so they say on the floor
"As long as he doesn't touch me I don't care where he is" Virgil says
"Don't worry I don't bite, I'm not an actual snake" Janus says
"Yea well I bite so stay near the door and we're fine" Virgil says, Patton laughs more, Roman also laughs at Virgil
"Control your boyfriend Roman- I'm sorry no, control your cat" Janus says, Virgil hisses and everyone laughs
"Kiddo, stop hissing" Patton says
"Fine" Virgil just cuddles up to Roman and falls asleep eventually

Janus and Patton had talked for awhile, and they had now finished filming for the day so everyone went to their rooms, once Patton got to his room he laid down and stared at the ceiling
"Oh god, I like Janus" Patton mumbles to himself, but what he didn't realize, was Janus had gone to talk to Patton about something and heard that
"What?" Janus says, very confused, Patton jolts up and stares at Janus
"U-Uhm..! Nothing..!" Patton anxiously says
"I heard what you said I'm just confused, I thought you hated me?" Janus replys
"I.. I thought I did too.." Patton says, turning away from Janus, Janus goes over and puts a finger under Patton's chin and makes Patton look at him
"Is that why you were staring at me, Darling?~" Janus teasingly says, Patton blushes like crazy
"I-I..- y-yes" Janus laughs at how easily flustered Patton was
"Your cute when your flustered~" Janus teases again, Patton tries to turn away to hide how flustered he is but Janus uses his finger to keep patton looking at him, Patton can't manage to get anything out except for flustered stammering
"I know your the heart here but your flustered very easily darling~" Janus says in the middle of Patton's stammering, Janus just laughs and sits next to Patton

"I'm sorry I'll stop teasing you" Janus plays with pats hair, pat just cuddles up to him and calms himself down after awhile Patton calms down enough to talk
"Don't do that-" he finally says, Janus laughs
"I'm sorry darling, are you alright?" Janus plays with pats hair
"Besides being a tomato, yes, I'm fine" Patton says, leaning into Janus's hand
"So," Janus says while still playing with pats hair "what are we then?"
"Uhm.. I dunno, what do you wanna be?" Patton asks
"Well, depends on your answer to my next question" Janus says, Patton sits up and turns his head like a dog
"What's your question?" Patton asks
"Will you be my boyfriend?" As Janus says that, Patton immediately nods
"Mhm!" Patton happily responds, and then he lays in Janus's lap again, Janus smiles and plays with Patton's hair
Wow look at me finishing this within like two days it's a lot easier when I'm rewriting lmao anyway uh I hope this was good, please tell me if you liked it, I think my writing and writing style has gotten better and I'm sure it will get even better if I keep writing but I don't know how much time I'll have for that once school starts, I'll be going into 9th grade so that's- fun- but also scary- anyway I'll stop ranting, have a good day/night guys, gals, and non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎💖💙🤍

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