★CrIsPy★ (Intruloceit)

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I'm bored and procrastinating cleaning my living room so I'm writing this-
Warnings- uh, idk? Mention of fire?
AU- Human

Remus and Janus had been Left alone in there house, since Logan had to go to work even if he didn't want to, knowing Remus would try and blow something up most likely but he had to, Janus being there made it better, but not for what happened after he left, you see Remus wanted to microwave some leftovers from their lunch yesterday but it had aluminum foil in it so he went over to Janus
Re- Hey Double-D?
J- what Rem?
Re- can you microwave aluminum foil?
J- uh, No I don't think so, why?
Re- so it wouldn't be a good idea to do it?
J- probably not, again, WHY?
Re- I wanted to heat up leftovers, it has foil though
J- I'm sure it'll be fine, if something happens just take it out before it worsens
Re- alright Double-D
J- Stop calling me that
Re- nope
Remus went back to the kitchen and Janus just sighed and continued reading his book, a few minutes later Janus went to check on Remus and saw smoke from the kitchen
J- Rem, what happened?
Re- you were wrong, there may have been a fire-
J- what?! And you didn't do anything?
Re- no.. I got burned and ran.. sorry Jay...
J- You got burned? Are you ok?
Re- yea I'm fine, I've been burned worse, I can't say the same for the kitchen though
J- it's fine, did you put it out or anything?
Re- yea I did
J- alright, come with me, I'll put the burn cream on your burn
Re- alright
Remus and Janus went to the bathroom to put the cream on Remus's burns and while they did that Logan had come home
L- Jay, Rem, I'm home, where are you guys?
J- We're in the bathroom Hun
Logan went to the bathroom and Found Janus rubbing the burn cream on Remus's burns
L- what happened? Are you two okay?
J- this dummy deceided to microwave aluminum foil and not do anything when a fire started
Re- you said it would be fine! It's technically your fault too!
J- true, but I told you if anything happened to take it out
L- Janus, it is technically your fault aswell, but are you okay Rem?
Re- I'm fine, I've had worse burns
J- I didn't think it would be this bad, I guess your right though.. Sorry..
L- that's good Rem, and it's okay Janus, you didn't know, let's just not microwave aluminum foil anymore got it?
Re- yea I wont do that, we do need to fix the kitchen though
L- I figured, I'll get to that
J- I'll help you with it
Re- I can help to
J- you need to let your burn heal, we can do it Rem
Re- but it's my fault so I should help
L- You do need to let it heal, you don't need to help
Re- but I want to, I feel bad for almost burning down the kitchen
L- it's fine Rem
J- we can handle it Rem, if you really want to help, then help by letting your burn heal while we fix the kitchen
Re- Fine
Eventually they got the kitchen fixed and Remus's burn healed
I didn't know how to end this, but I hope it was good, also could you guys give me more requests? I'd love some more I have some prompt things I could post if you want, just let me know, also just know it's 2:40 am and I'm on my 3rd monster- someone tell me to sleep, but for now, have a great day Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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