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Heyyyyyyy so
I'm sick 🥲
So I'm writing this and then I SHOULD take a break to get rest (ha ha rest- that's the story-) to get better, but knowing me I'll write more-
And I'm still technically resting because I'm laying in bed and eating so that's still resting :)
Anyway, onto the story now
TW- uh nothing I don't think
Prompt- Vee (Virgil) is sick and had stayed up all night because of it, Logan tries to get him to rest
Vee had been sick and had stayed up all night despite being in the same room as Logan who hasn't relized he was up all night
~once Logan woke up~(like 9am-)
L- good morning Virgil
V- good morning Logan Cough
L- are you alright Vee?
V- yea I'm fine
L- are you sure? You sound sick
V- yea I'm Cough cough fine
L- I don't think you are, you sound really sick and you keep coughing
V- fine ok, maybe I'm a little sick, but I'm fine
L- love if your sick you should get some rest
V- No I'm fine
L- no your not, you need rest, and by the looks of it, you didn't get any sleep last night, did you?
V- no I didn't, but that doesn't matter, I'm fine
L- You need to get sleep stormcloud
V- I'll be fine
L- Virgil, your getting rest.
V- ugh fine, your not going to stop until I do anyway
L- thank you Vee, do you need or want anything?
V- no I'm good
L- alright
Logan kisses Virgil's cheek and cuddles him
V- your gonna get sick if you cuddle me
L- I don't care
V- sigh Logan, your going to get sick
L- again, I don't care, it's worth it to cuddle you
V- sigh I love you, but your kinda dumb-
L- I love you too, but how dare you I am not, I'm basically the brain
V- and your kinda dumb
Virgil giggles and kisses Logan's cheek
That sucked- and I started it yesterday- I'm sorry it was so short but I don't have much motivation-
But I'll try and continue writing, but being sick really makes me tired and no motivation so I'm probably gonna play some Minecraft and take a nap-
Anyway have a Great Day/Night guys,Gals, and fellow non-binary pals!

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