Breaks•Analogical (kinda venting)

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I got bored so I decided to write this
I feel like I don't have to explain this every time but bold is me
Italic is narration
Underlined will be thoughts I guess?
Warnings: Swearing, yelling (idk if that should be a warning but eh), crying (idk if that should be a warning either but eh)

Logan had just woke up, he checked his phone and saw it was 2:37pm

L- shit it's already 2pm!?

He got up and got dressed and fixed his hair and just as he sat at his desk and started working Virgil walked into his room

V- hey Logan, I see your finally up
L- Wait you knew I was sleeping all day?
V- yea why?
L- You should have woke me up.. I have work to do
V- but you needed sleep, so I let you sleep in
L- Virgil, I love you, but I need to work

He continued to work but it wasn't anything that needed to be done until next week and Virgil knew this

V- Logan, you don't need that done until next week
L- if I don't do it now I'll forget, I haven't done anything today anyway
V- Lo-Lo you need to relax
L- No I don't

Virgil went over to logan and picked him up from the chair

L- Virgil! Put me down, I need to work
V- No. You need to rest.
L- Virgil put me down! Now!
V- Nuh uh your resting

Virgil laid Logan down on the bed and laid on top of him so he couldn't move

L- Virgil... Please just let me work...
V- No, Logie you need sleep I know you've been staying up late working, I hear you working all night
L- so you've been staying up late aswell?
V- not the point.
L- Virgil go to sleep
V- Only if you do
L- I need to work you need sleep
V- I've been staying up late for a while I'll be fine
L- Virgil, you need rest
V- so do you
L- fine I'll sleep if you do
V- alright

Virgil began to fall asleep and as soon as he knew Logan was asleep he fell asleep still on top of Logan but he eventually got off of him and just laid next to him

~Time skip because I'm lazy and apparently a logan kinnie~

Logan woke up and saw it was 9:10 pm

L- Fuck, ugh I slept all day...

Virgil woke up

V- mm

Virgil layed his head on Logan's stomach while Logan laughed a bit and played with Virgil's hair

L- Hello Honey, did you sleep well?
V- mhm, you?
L- I slept fine, now I need to work it's already 9 pm
V- Take a break tonight Starlight
L- I need to finish my work, I haven't done anything today
V- you need a break every once and a while
L- I'll be fine honey, I need to work
V- No, you need to relax and take a break
L- Virgil, please just let me work I haven't done anything today

Logan sighed

V- and you don't need to do anything today
L- Virgil if I don't do anything I'll get behind on work
V- your already ahead Logan, you'll be fine

Logan sat up with Virgil on his lap

L- Virgil you don't understand
V- then explain
L- if I don't do anything today I'll end up not doing anything for a few days or I'll do to much and you'll do this again, making a endless cycle of working and not working
V- I'll make sure you don't over work and get breaks when you need them
L- I don't need breaks
V- yes you do
L- I'll be fine Virgil

Logan moved Virgil and got up to go to his desk

V- Logan, come on please just take a break today
L- Virgil just- Just leave me alone! I need to work!

Logan isn't great with emotions as everyone knows, but since he wasn't great with emotions he got angry a lot when trying to talk to people, but only Virgil knew why he was angry almost all the time, Logan trusted him the most since they were dating

L- Fuck. What'd I say that. I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell...
V- Logan it's okay

Logan started crying

L- I'm sorry...
V- hey. Starlight... it's ok

Virgil went over and hugged Logan. He kneeled Infront of Logan and wiped his tears

V- don't cry, it's ok, I know you didn't mean to yell, it's fine
L- no it's not.. I yelled for no reason
V- it's fine, I know you didn't mean it, calm down

Virgil hugged Logan and Logan stoped crying and calmed down

V- Are you ok?
L- yea, I'm okay, again I'm sorry for yelling..
V- it's ok Logan, don't keep apologizing
L- are you sure?
V- yes, I'm sure
L- Thank you Virgil
V- for what?
L- For calming me down, and for earlier, getting me to take a break, even if I ignored you and tried to start working again
V- oh, then your welcome

Logan read a book to Virgil that night so they would both know the other got to sleep (I'm bad at explaining but just the picture at the top)
This totally wasn't me venting and projecting onto Logan because I'm a Logan kin and didn't do anything but lay in bed, eat, and write all day- totally not- I'm also totally not Finishing this at midnight after starting at like 8pm- I also totally don't want a Virgil kin (even tho I'm a Virgil kin-) to talk to me like this- anyway- have a great day Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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