Another vent

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This isn't important so you don't need to read this
TW: swearing

First my best friend's boyfriend says I faked my injury. Which I had to stay out of school for because my ENTIRE body was aching when I tried to move this morning. And I have to use crutches for. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO THAT?! IT FUCKING HURTS JUST TO GET AROUND!

And then my mom gets mad because I said I didn't like taking off the brace/cast thing I have (because I don't wanna risk doing anything to my ankle) and is still making me go to school even though it hurts like shit and I can barely get around..

I know this is stupid but I just needed to say something about it...

And I am working on the requests, I'll get them out as soon as I can

Anyway, have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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