+Janus's HC's+ ~Roceit~

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Incase y'all haven't seen Janus in a dress, there ya go :) I'm obsessed and it's part of my background on my phone- along with some pictures of other fandoms I'm in :)

:) Anyway, onto the story oh and this is like after everyone gets accepted- so probably after Virgil's HCs lmaoTW- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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:) Anyway, onto the story oh and this is like after everyone gets accepted- so probably after Virgil's HCs lmao

Patton had made dinner for everyone, so they were all at the table, and Patton saw Janus was playing with the trim of his cape and was barley eating
P- Janus? Are you alright?
J- huh? Oh yea I'm fine, just thinking about something
V- about what? Your anxious, I can tell
J- right forgot you can tell when people are anxious, but it's nothing
V- it's something, you don't just get anxious for no reason Janus
J- like I said, I was just thinking about something
V- and I asked about what?
P- kiddo, if he doesn't want to tell you he doesn't have to
Janus cringed at "he" and Virgil could see that
V- Jan? You looked uncomfortable at Patton saying he? Do you not like "he" being used for you?
J- not at the moment? Janus sighed and sat up a bit more I'm Genderfluid
V- oh, why didn't you just say that?
J- I dunno, I was anxious about it?
V- alright, well what pronouns right now?
J- She/Her?
V- alright
P- sorry kiddo, I didn't mean to misgender you
J- it's fine Patton, you didn't know
Janus snapped and his outfit turned into a dress (The photo)
Ro- nice dress Janus
J- thanks Roman
Re- since when did you even own dresses?
J- since like a week ago
Re- cool
~few weeks later, again at dinner~
V- Jan, pronouns?
J- She/Her, thanks Vee
V- no problem
J- oh uh, I wanna say something
P- Go ahead kiddo
J- uhm, well, I'm pan?
V- Nice
Ro- cool
J- Remus I swear if you say what I know your thinking I will slap you.
Re- your no fun
Remus playfully rolled his eyes and Janus laughed
P- That's nice kiddo
(Logan just be sitting here eating ignoring everyone 😂)
J- oh and Hey Roman, could I talk to you after dinner?
Ro- yea, of course
~After dinner, Roman and Janus are talking in Romans room~
R- what did you wanna talk to me about?
J- well uh, I.. I like you and was wondering if you'd be my boyfriend? It's ok if you say no, I'll understand
R- ¡Claro que sí! ("Of course" in Spanish and I added the "¡!" To the text for you guys, he only said "Claro que sí")
J- I heard sí so I'm assuming you said yes? I don't know as much Spanish as you Roman
Roman quietly laughed
Ro- right sorry, I said "Of course"
Janus smiled and hugged Roman
J- that's Fantastico I think that's the word right? For fantastic?
R- Yea, it is
Roman smiled and hugged Janus back
R- I could teach you more if you want mi amor?
J- that'd be cool, and that means My love right?
R- yep
J- can we cuddle querida? (Darling)
R- Of course, I didn't think you'd know "querida"
J- I didn't think I'd remember it
R- it is kinda hard to remember some words
J- yea, now I want cuddles Ro
R- giggle alright, come
Janus cuddled up to Roman and Roman ran his hand through Janus's hair
R- I love you Mi amor
J- I love you too Roman
I need to write more Roceit- I don't know why I don't do more rare ships- there amazing-
And I've been learning Spanish so I wanted to incorporate it into some Oneshots so here ya go! I really like my Spanish teacher to! She can be crazy sometimes but it's a good crazy lol
Anyway, do any of you know any Spanish? Id love to know if you do it'd be really cool, some of this I used a translator (*cough* google *cough*) but some of it I got from school
Now, anyway, Have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals!

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