"There's nothing wrong with falling in love" (LAMP)

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So my friend Galaxina9 gave me the idea to do LAMP when they saw my last post and I looked for a prompt to write with it so if you like this then thank them for the partial idea lol

Anyway, the title is the prompt, there's also the post I got it from as the pic, the one I'm using is highlighted, so yea

Onto the story!

Virgil's pov:
"No no no...." I mumbled, I had been looking at pictures of me, Logan, Patton, and Roman, but in the middle of doing that I realized something...

I'm in love with them.. all of them..

"This can't be happening.." I can't like them all..! Maybe I should go talk to someone..? Who would be best to talk to though? Well Roman is the best one at love related things.. but he also might be able to tell I like all of them and I don't want him to make fun of me for it or something.. Patton would also probably be good but he'd just get caught up in the fact I like someone before I can even talk to him.. so Logan I guess..? He'd be good to talk to, and I don't think he'd make fun of me..

I head to Logan's room and reluctantly knock, he opens his door and I do my best to not look super upset nor super flustered
"Do you need something Virgil?" I can do this, I don't even need to tell him who it is, just talk to him about it "uhm yeah.. I wanted to talk to you about something.. I figured you'd be best even though your not the best with feelings and stuff, but if you don't want to talk to me I can go to someone else" this was probably stupid, I should have just kept this to mysel- "of course you can talk to me, I'll never refuse to talk to you if you need it, come in" god I love him so much, I smile and go in, I sit on his bed and after he closes the door he comes and sits in front of me
"What did you need to talk about? And do you just want me to listen or do you want advice?" Advice would be nice but does he have advice for that? "Well advice would be nice if you can.. and I just have a problem I wanna talk to you about.." "alright, well what's wrong? I'll try my best to give you advice" I sigh "uhm.. well it has to do with love and I know your not the best at that" "no I am not, but I will try, why didn't you go to Roman though?" "I just didn't want me to say something wrong and have him laugh at me or something.. I figured I had less of a chance of that with you.." "Roman wouldn't laugh at you Virgil, especially not if it's something serious" "it's not, it's just.. it's a crush I guess.." "oh, why is that a problem?" "I uhm... You'll know when I explain it.." "Virgil, there's nothing wrong with falling in love" "there is when your in love with multiple people..." "No there's not, especially not if your polyamorous, are you?" Polyamorous? "What is that?" "Simply put, being in a relationship with multiple people but all people are consenting to being in a relationship together, so it's not cheating" Lo explains "Oh.. so.. I'm polyamorous?" "You could be poly, yes, and I'm sure whoever you like will at least be willing to be in a polyamorous relationship" I'm not so sure... "I don't know if they would be..." "Ok well tell me who it is and I'm sure I'll be able to go ask them how they feel about polyamorous relationships" I look down, I really don't want to tell him, but it would feel so nice to have told someone.. I sigh, I guess I'll tell him "uhm.. well.. you Roman and Patton..." "Oh" I look down before he says anything else "I-Im sorry, I just made this awkward haven't I.. I'll just leave.." I knew this was a mistake.. I get up to leave but Logan pulls me back onto the bed "No, stay here for a minute" Logan leaves the room, I stay on his bed but I debate leaving, I doubt whatever he comes back with will be good.. but I don't think leaving is a good idea.. but I also don't think staying is a good idea..

A few minutes later Logan comes back into the room "come, I have something for you, in the living room" I'm reluctant but I get up and go over to him he holds my hand and brings me to the living room, when we get there I see Roman and Patton sitting on the couch, I kinda stop before Logan stops walking he stops and looks at me, he looks.. concerned..?
"Are you ok Virgil? Why'd you stop?" "Does what you're bringing me here for have to do with what I told you..?" "If you'd actually go over then you'd find out" "I don't want to.." Logan looks at the other two or I think he does because I'm looking down, but then he brings be somewhere else where they wouldn't here us "are you ok? Why don't you want to go talk to them?" "They're going to laugh at me if they find out what I told you..." He sighs "no they won't, I promise, will you at least try to talk to them?" I'm very close to running back to my room and locking myself in there, but I slightly nod and Logan brings me back to the living and brings me to the couch in between Patton and Roman, I shake my head at sitting their so he sits their instead and I sit on the floor in front of them, I don't let go of Logans hand though, he doesn't make a move to make me let go so I think he's ok with me doing that
"So why am I here..?" I ask after a bit of no one saying anything "I told them-" oh no.. "-what you told me" Logan says and as soon as he says that I let go of his hand and put my hood up and kinda back away from them and put my head down "Hey, calm down" Roman finally says something, and I feel someone kneel beside me and hug me, I look up and see it's Patton but I just look back down "Would we have come out here to talk to you if we would have laughed at you and not reciprocated kiddo?" Patton says, I just stay quiet for a minute "no I guess not... Wait do you guys reciprocate...?" I doubt they do.. but it's worth a shot to ask... "Yes, we do, that's why I brought you out here, I wouldn't bring you out here if they didn't Virgil" Logan says, it takes me a minute to process but I realize what Logan said "wait so you guys do like me?" I look up at them, Roman nods, Patton kisses my cheek, and Logan just says "yes" I blush and burry my head in pats shoulder to hide my face, but Roman kneels in front of me and Pattom let's go of me so Roman puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him "don't hide from us mi amor~" I just flush more, at this point I must look like a tomato "M-Mi amor?" I ask, I know exactly what it means, my love, but why would he call me that, even if they do reciprocate my feelings we haven't even said we're dating yet "you know what it means darling" he says "I know, but why-" "why did I call you it? Well we're together now are we not?" "Are we?" I ask kinda looking up at all of them "If you wanna be" Patton says as he pulls my hood down and fluffs my hair, I lean into him doing that and nod "then we are, and I get to call you mi amor all I want" Ro says, I blush and burry my head in pats chest and groan "please don't, I might die, give me like a week to get used to this-" "aw come on kitten" I just glare at Ro "do not call me kitten" he laughs "but you act like a kitten~" I sigh and turn to him and playfully slap him "I am not a kitten" I turn away from him but I hear him do something and I feel him out something on my head, a headband? I reach up and feel it and feel that it's cat ears, he laughs but I glare at him, he gets up and backs away, I stand up and go over and stand in front of him "I recommend running Ro-Ro" "you can't use a cute nickname and threaten me at the same time-" "I very much can" "Lo- Pat- help-" "they can't help you" I hear someone get up and feel someone holding my waist, I look up and see it's Lo "Lo your supposed to be on my side, let me go-" he laughs "no, calm down kitten" "come on-" Logan leans down and kisses my cheek "no, calm down" I whine and just glare at Ro "I'll get you later when your alone" Ro laughs and stands in front of me and lifts my head up with his finger under my chin, I'm still glaring "what if I'm not alone later?" "Why wouldn't you be, you always have some sort of alone time to work on scripts for videos don't you?" "Why would I be alone, I want to spend time with my boyfriends" "oh I hate you, your just gonna stay with Lo-Lo and Pat aren't you" "nope, I'd stay with all of you" I glare at him more, I hear pat come over "we could have our weekly movie night tonight instead of when we planned it" he says "ughhh all of you are against me and I hate it" I hear Lo laugh and he whispers in my ear "take Romans crown and replace it with the cat ears and run when I let you go" I smile and nod, He let's go of my waist, I take off the cat ears, take Ro's crown and put the cat ears on him and I run to the kitchen and put the crown on "wow rude, Logan your on his side now" Ro says, "I have no idea what you mean Roman, I didn't tell him to do that" "you did I heard you Lo-Lo" pat says "shush Pat, and Ro-Ro, it's your fault for wearing your crown for this so" I say and blow raspberries at him once I finish my sentence "I wanted to look good for my boyfriends" "you always do dumbass, I wouldn't have realized I like you if you didn't" "well- just- just shut up- I didn't think you'd steal my crown- but I mean if you wanna be the one matching with Rem then go ahead" "oh bleh no" I take the crown off "take your crown back, I'm not matching with the rat man" Ro laughs and goes and takes his crown "that's what I thought" I just go and lay on the couch and yawn "I want cuddles" Ro sets his crown on the counter and comes and sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap, Lo sits on one side of him and Pat sits on the other, I cuddle up to him "Hey, Ro" I look up at him as I say that "hm?" "If I'm a cat, you can't get up until I do, this is revenge for calling me a cat" I say before laying my head on his shoulder and start falling asleep, I hear Lo and Pat laugh as Ro just sounds offended, I laugh and look up and I kiss his cheek "I told you I'd get you" he just smiles at me and pulls me close and kisses me, not on the cheek, an actual kiss, and obviously I wasn't expecting it so I blush like crazy but I do kiss back, once he breaks the kiss he fluffs my hair "revenge for not letting me get up" "eh that was pretty shitty revenge, revenge shouldn't be enjoyable for the one your taking revenge on" "but it should be enjoyable for you, and that was, so it was fine revenge" "No Vi-Vi is right, that was pretty shitty revenge" Lo says, agreeing with me because I'm right, ro playfully scoffs "no kisses for you cus your agreeing with him" Lo rolls his eyes and I laugh and move over to Lo's lap and kiss him for a second and then look at Ro "he gets my kisses instead" Pat comes and sits next to Lo and pulls me onto his lap "now neither of you get his kisses because I'm being left out" I giggle and just kiss pat for a second before breaking it "there, now all of you got my kisses, stop fighting over me" I go back to Logan's lap so I'm in the middle of them all and I just cuddle up to Lo, He plays with my hair and I yawn and start falling asleep, I feel Ro and Pat cuddle up to Lo so we were all cuddling, I fall asleep, very happy
O M G I forgot about this for like months- I was on Wattpad to read and I was like "you know what I haven't done in a while? Update my book, I should go look at it and write" and here we are, it may be 4:00 am but oh well, I hope this is good, I completely forgot like everything about writing but oh well lmao but yea, I hope whoever reads this if they even do that you like this- but yea bye guys gals and non-binary pals! 🖤🤎🤍💖💙❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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