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I was looking for random writing prompts to practice writing and found this and went "Hey I can use this for Roman and Remus" so just like, ignore the "it's called heart burn" please- just look at the prompt I have right here
Prompt- You live in an alternate world where twins (any kind) can feel each other's physical pain. Your an only child, suddenly you feel a burning Pain in your chest (or whatever pain I decided I do-)
uh, text fonts the same, also, this is obviously a human au (idk if that's right) because yea-
Anyway, onto the story but before
Warnings- Swearing uh I think that's it

Some backstory, Roman Prince lives in a world where twins can feel each other's physical pain, and he was an only child.
So onto the story

Roman was hanging out with his boyfriend Virgil, at Roman's house just watching a movie in his room, They had picked "A Nightmare Before Christmas" both being Disney fans, Roman had Virgil on his lap and was playing with his hair, suddenly Roman felt like someone had punched him in the stomach as hard as they could

Ro- Ow! Holy shit!
V- You okay Princy? What happened?
Ro- I feel like someone just punched me in the stomach, but really hard
V- huh? How? I didn't do anything?
Ro- I know.. that's why it's confusing, not like I have a twin either, so it couldn't be that..
V- maybe you should go talk to your parents, that could be harmful
Ro- I'm sure I'll be fine, let's just continue the movie, if it happens again I'll go talk to them
V- if your sure, then fine
They continued the movie
~Meanwhile with Remus~
Remus was fighting random people in random alleyways again, yes again, he did this multiple times, right now he was fighting Janus Snake (very creative crystal {that's me} very creative 😒)
He and Janus were friends but they liked to fight every once in a while, Janus had just punched him in the stomach
Re- Jeez Double-D, you're getting stronger, that actually hurt me this time
J- first, don't call me Double-D, second, duh, with you teaching me of course I am
Re- aw come on Jan, Double-D is a great nickname
J- No it's not, now shut up
Re- fine fine
J- would you like to continue?
Re- yea, come on
Janus and Remus continued fighting Janus getting a few good hits every few minutes
~Back to Roman and Virgil~
Ro- Ow, ok, I'm going to go talk to my parents.. I keep getting random pains, I'll be back Vi
V- are you sure you don't want me to come with you?
Ro- if you want to you can, but you don't need to
V- I'll come I wanna make sure your ok
Virgil and Roman went downstairs to find Romans parents making dinner
Ro- Hey mom, dad?
{Roman's Mom (Willow/W)}- yes Hunny? Do you need something?
Ro- I keep getting random pains, like I was sitting on my bed with Virgil and I felt like I got punched in the stomach really hard
W- oh, are you alright?
Ro- besides the random pains yea I'm fine
W- alright, I need to talk to your dad for a minute, we'll be back
Ro- uh ok?
Romans parents went into the other room and talked for a few minutes
~while his parents talked~
V- what do you think they needed to do?
Ro- I don't know, I hope they know what's going on though
V- I hope they do to
~his parents came back~
W- alright, Roman we need to talk to you
Ro- is something wrong?
W- well, you uh, have a twin...
Ro- I have a what!?
{Romans 2nd mom (Lara/L)}- we're sorry we didn't tell you
Ro- how'd I never know about them?
L- well, you were adopted, and we didn't have enough money to care for you and him but you're both biologically related
Ro- do you know his name?
L- I believe it was Remus

Ro- Wait Remus?
L- yea why?
Ro- I know someone with that name.. I don't know if it's him but it could be right?
V- Oh, Remus Black?
Ro- yea him
L- oh, you've mentioned him before, he's your friend right?
Ro- yea
V- I did always think you two looked similar
Ro- well, I don't know if he is my twin, but he could be
L- why don't you go talk to him about it?
Ro- I will, Vi wanna come?
V- sure, let's go, him and Janus are hanging out
Ro- ok, I'll text them
Roman texted Remus and then he and Virgil went outside
~with Remus and Janus~
Re- wait hold on, I got a text
J- alright, who's it from?
Re- Roman, he's asking if we could meet up, apparently he's got something important to talk about, he's bringing Virgil, so wanna come?
J- eh sure, I have nothing else to do
Re- ok, let's go, he wants to meet up at the park
J- ok
They meet up with Roman and Virgil
Re- so what did you need to talk about Roman?
Ro- well, I talked to my parents earlier because of some random pains I had, apparently I have a twin
Re- cool, but why did you need to tell me?
Ro- because it could be you? My mom said his name is Remus,  and your the only Remus I know in this town
Re- well how would we know?
Ro- well, were you fighting earlier?
Re- yea?
Ro- with Janus?
Re- yea?
Ro- did he punch you in the stomach?
Re- yea..?
Ro- I felt someone punch in the stomach, that was the "random pains" I felt
Re- there's no way we're twins, why wouldn't we know that?
Ro- my parents adopted me, but didn't have the money to adopt my twin aswell, so there is a possibility
Re- so how do we figure out if it's true?
Ro- I don't know?
V- one of you gets hurt somehow, if the other feels it your twins
Ro- right, forgot that was an option
Re- alright
J- can I punch Roman?
Ro- why do you hate me, what did I do
J- your just stupid and fun to punch
Ro- whatever, just go ahead
J- okay
Janus punched roman
Ro- Ow, your punches hurt
J- good, so Remus?
Re- I felt it, so I guess we're twins?
Ro- I guess
Re- that's cool
I didn't know how to end it🥲 I hope that was good, please let me know what you think because I feel like it was horrible- anyway have a great day Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖 I also think this is the longest one I did- this is 1154 words-

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