Compulsive Lair (Roceit)

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I've done like nothing today- it's 11:04 and I have accomplished like nothing today- so I've decided to write so I can have SOMETHING done tomorrow because this won't be finished before tomorrow- and I like Roceit from time to time so yea-
Also this is after Janus is accepted, and keep "I'm so glad you don't have a mustache Roman, otherwise between you and Remus I wouldn't be able to tell who the evil twin is" in mind, it'll be useful info later 😉
This font is lies
And the rest of the fonts are the same
Janus was walking to his room, past the others rooms when he heard crying from a certain fanciful traits room, he realized it was Roman and went to his room and knocked
R- Go away, I don't care who it is, unless it's Patton, then just please go away
J- I know you don't like me that much, but can I come in?
R- what do you want Janus?
J- just to talk, I'll leave if you want me to
R- No, come in, the doors unlocked
J- really?
R- yea, just come in
Janus, still shocked Roman didn't tell at him to leave, opened the door and went in, closing the door after coming in, he didn't want to over step so he just stood next to the door
R- now what do you want?
J- I heard you crying, I wanted to make sure you were ok..
R- why do you care
J- I know I act like I don't care about you guys but I do
R- whatever, I doubt that
J- Roman. I do care about all of you.. especially not you
R- why would you care about me? I made fun of your name, I acted like I hated you... and you don't have to stand at the door you know, you can come sit down
Janus sat down next to Roman and looked at him
J- trust me I have a reason to care for you guys, and what do you mean you act like you hate me?
R- I don't actually hate you... I only acted like that because the others didn't like you and I didn't know what they'd think...
J- Roman you don't have to hide how you feel just to please others...
R- I know... I just didn't want them to hate me..
J- if they hated you that's their problem, they shouldn't hate you just for not thinking the same way about someone as they do
R- I know..
J- Back to the original reason I came in here, why were you crying?
R- it was nothing important
J- I can literally sense lies. You can't lie to me
R- I'm not-
J- yes you are... What's wrong...
R- it's nothing, I was just thinking about something that.. someone.. had told me... It took a toll on me because I like this person..
J- who? And why don't you talk to them?
R- no one. At least no one you need to know.. and I just don't want to talk to them about it..
J- Why not? It might make you feel better, it's not guaranteed but it could
R- I dunno, I just don't..
J- well, would you like to talk to me about it?
R- no, it's ok I'll probably just go talk to patton later..
J- are you sure?
R- yea.. I am
J- alright...... do you want me to leave you alone then?
R- Could you stay?
J- if you want me to yes, I can
R- thank you
J- your not welcome
Roman hugged janus and cuddled up to his side, Janus ran his hand through his hair with Roman slowly falling asleep next to Janus
~Time Skip to uh- a few hours later~
Roman woke up to see Janus was still there, he was on his phone doing something that Roman couldn't see, he yawned and Janus looked over to him, he turned off his phone and ran his hand through Romans hair again
J- are you feeling better?
R- mhm.. thank you for staying, I expected you to have left by now
J- eh, it gave me time to do something I needed to do after you fell asleep
R- oh ok
J- and I didn't want to wake you up, I felt like moving would wake you up
R- it probably would have
J- then it's good I didn't move, do you want to go talk to Patton like you said earlier?
R- not right now, I'm comfortable and don't wanna get up
Janus laughed and continued to run his hands through Romans hair
J- alright, that's fine
R- so what were you doing?
J- hm?
R- what were you doing while I was asleep?
J- talking to someone
R- Sorry if I'm being nosey but about what?
J- it's fine, i was just talking to Remus about how to do something, more specifically how to ask someone out..
R- oh.. okay..
J- why'd you sound upset?
R- no reason..
J- Roman, like I said earlier, you can't lie to me
R- I'm not lying to you, it's nothing
J- you really are stupid, your still lying
R- *offended Princy noises* am not.
J- yes you are, now stop avoiding the question.
R- no I'm not, and I already answered it
J- no you didn't, you answered it with a lie, I want the truth
R- no, I answered it, I don't need to say anything else
J- true, but you can tell me you don't want to answer instead of lying
R- then I don't want to answer
J- I won't ask anymore then
Roman just kinda sat in silence while Janus did the same until Roman spoke up
R- who are you asking out?
J- uhm.. no one
R- now who's lying?
J- oh be quiet, I'm literally deceit I'm supposed to lie
R- your still lying when you told me not to
J- fine, You're not wrong
R- so are you gonna answer?
Janus sighed and mumbled "You" just loud enough roman could hear it
R- Me?
J- yea.. I was planning to ask you out, but now thinking about it, you said you liked someone that most likely not me..
R- and you called me dumb
J- huh?
R- I said I liked the person who had said something to me that got me upset, who is the only one thats said something that could get me that upset?
J- oh, wait are you referring to me saying you and Remus were so similar only the only difference was his mustash?
R- yea... You really hurt me with that... But as you can tell, I like you...
J- I didn't mean that Roman.... There's a little but of truth in what I say, but I've always been a compulsive lair, at least when I have my gloves on, it's harder for me to lie with them off, and harder for me to tell the truth with them on....
R- didn't you have them off when you said that?
J- I just said it was harder for me to lie with them off, not that it's impossible...
R- really..?
J- yes really
Janus ran his hand through Romans hair, again (you totally can't tell I can't think of anything else to do- lmao totally not)
R- by the way, why'd you ask Remus? Why not like ask me and say it was someone else you were talking about or someone I hang out with all the time?
J- I figured he'd know you best, he is your brother after all
R- yea... He is but we don't hang out together often, so why?
J- yea I know, I just hopped he knew enough about you to help me ask you out, or at least tell you how I felt
R- well, you've done that
J- true
R- Janus?
J- yes Roman?
R- will you be my boyfriend?
J- yes
Janus placed a soft kiss on Romans forehead and they just cuddled together for awhile
~Time Skip~
Janus and Roman were on the couch watching a movie while Patton made dinner, Logan and Virgil at the table no one saw them cuddling until Patton turned around to tell them dinner was done and saw them
P- awww you two are adorable
Roman sighed
R- thanks Patton, but do you have to be so loud, I was almost asleep
P- sorry kiddo, but dinners ready so you probably shouldn't fall asleep yet
R- that's true
Everyone sat at the table and Patton gave everyone their food
~Time Skip to a few minutes later~
P- so, Roman?
R- yes Pat?
P- are you and Janus dating? You were cuddling, so I figured you were
R- yes, why?
P- I just wanted to know, I thought you didn't like him?
R- I just acted like I did because I didn't know how you guys would feel if I liked him
P- kiddo, we'll support you no matter what
R- thanks Patton, I probably should have known you'd say that
J- I told you they'd be fine with it
R- oh shush
J- nope
Roman giggled and said "rude" as he layed his head on Janus's shoulder
J- I may be rude but you love me
R- true
That took longer than I thought- it's 9:54 the next day and I just finished it- anyway I have school tomorrow- I cleaned my room and took a shower, I have an outfit picked out and I'm actually kinda excited- when I'm usually not. I still have more cleaning to do but I can do that tomorrow, and I'll probably post a picture of my outfit/hair/everything tomorrow because I can lol, anyway I'm ranting, but yea, I hope you all have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and fellow non-binary pals! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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