Better Than Words

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Better than Words
Romancemesomeziam on


Zayn and Liam wake up with their little boy and enjoy their time off as a family.


Zayn and Liam being parents, but finding time to be lovers.

Work Text:

It was one of those mornings, when waking up was easy, the sun shining in through the sheer curtains, warming the room up to a comfortable temperature, licking at his skin. Zayn shivered with pleasure as he groaned into his pillow, clutching it to his chest as he rolled over slightly, his body instantly turning towards the small giggles coming from right next to him.

He usually hated mornings, despised them really because if there's something Zayn was good at, it was sleeping. He was known for it after all, famously dozing off everywhere and anywhere as long as it smelled lightly of home, as long as it smelled slightly of his husband.

He remembered times on the tour bus when he was woken up to sing his tracks for the next album, his voice raspy and laced with sleep. He hated every minute of it, not because he didn't enjoy singing but rather because he found comfort in his sleep, dreamed of normality, but mostly dreamed of Liam.

Long before they had stopped ignoring their feelings for one another, coming back from midnight recording session was Zayn's worse nightmare. It meant having to pass next to Liam's bunk every time, seeing the boy's innocent face etched with sleep as he smiled at Zayn, always asking how things had been. And Zayn would always do the same thing, nod a non-committed it was fine, before slipping into the opposite bunk, even if his body craved to do different.

For over two years, Zayn had desperately tried to hide it, hide the fact that he wanted nothing more than to slide into Liam's bunk after those late night recording session and plaster his body to the other boy's. He wanted to mold himself to Liam, to lay his head on his chest and sigh with exhaustion, whispering questions to improve his singing techniques.

Yet those days were long passed, and it explained why waking up was now one of Zayn's favorite things, because it meant coming face to face with his two favorite boys.

Groaning again, Zayn stretched out his arms, yawning for no real reason as he opened his eyes, slightly blinded by the morning sun.

"Good morning sleepyhead," murmured Liam close to his ear, another small giggle resonating through the air as Liam leaned in to kiss him.

"Good morning baba," came another little voice, a head squeezing its way in-between him and Liam, to settle on his chest.

Zayn's lips spread into a wide smile, his heart suddenly aching at how beautiful the picture before him was. He could see himself in the boy's wide brown eyes, but the wild blondish curls were definitely Liam's, the perfect mixture of both of them, their little miracle. Taylor.

He remembered deciding the boy's name in a haste, a forgotten memory of an interview they had done when they were teenagers, both agreeing that they loved the name Taylor for their first born, long before they were known as ZaynandLiam, long before Taylor was even a possibility.

"Morning, love," grunted Zayn as he leaned in to kiss Liam's full lips once more, addicted to the taste mixed with the sting of peppermint toothpaste.

Little hands pulling at his hair ended the kiss a little abruptly as Liam laughed against his lips, brown eyes sparkling with emotion as they both peered down at their son.

"What about me, baba?" asked the little boy, obviously flustered at being left out of the family cuddle.

Smiling, Zayn bent down, pressing a small kiss to the golden crown of the boy's hair, inhaling the citrus smell of the familiar shampoo that made his heart ache. "Morning my little monkey."

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