The Locket

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The Locket
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Zayn doesn't know why he's so curious about the locket, nor does have any idea what the consequences of opening it will be.


Based off a prompt on Tumblr:

Ziam where Liam has a locket that he always wears that obviously can be opened but he never lets anyone see whats inside and one day he takes it off to shower and Zayn opens it and finds a picture of him and Liam inside. feelings are confessed


Work Text:

One of the first things Zayn learned about Liam when he met him was that he was a little bit OCD. Not in a majorly obsessive kind of a way, but the fact was that he liked order, hated mess and had certain rules that he liked people to stick to, one of which was to do with his locket. Zayn wasn't quite sure where Liam had gotten the piece of jewellery from - he might have been given it by a fan for all he knew - but ever since he'd started wearing it two years ago he hadn't allowed anyone else to wear or look inside it or even touch it, which Zayn had to admit made him annoyed at times.

It's not that he wanted to know the innermost secrets of Liam's soul and what it was that he held so dear that he never allowed anyone else to see, even his best friend. Except that he actually did.

He'd known Liam for ages now, and in that time he liked to think he'd become closer to him than anyone else, even the other boys, so it made him a little, not exactly uncomfortable, but frustrated that there was something Liam didn't allow Zayn to know about him. Yeah, that was probably really selfish of him, however the knowledge that a particular personality trait is undesirable doesn't make it disappear, and his curiosity still remained as to what exactly was hidden inside the locket that could most obviously be opened.

Up until recently he'd have guessed it was something to do with Danielle, but Liam still insisted on wearing it, which hinted that there must be something even more personal inside. Zayn was pretty sure Liam knew exactly how desperate he was to see the locket's contents, but he was doing a good job of hiding it.


Liam treated that locket like it was made of actual gold or something, so you can imagine how much of a surprise it was when one day Zayn saw him take it off, completely out of the blue. They were spending a typical weekend off round at Liam's flat, just lounging around and enjoying their rare free time, when he told Zayn he was going to catch a shower while he could, if that was alright with him. Having seen all the boys naked countless times, Zayn thought nothing of Liam stripping off to his boxers in front of him in the bedroom where they had been watching Sherlock, but it was once he was in just his underwear that he reached around to the nape of his neck and slowly undid the clasp of his prized necklace.

Zayn's eyes followed the glittering locket as it fell into Liam's hand and was then placed on top of his chest of drawers, before realising that his friend was saying something he should probably listen to.

"I won't be long, don't worry, I just wanna get myself clean after so long in hotels, you know?"

Nodding, Zayn discretely averted his eyes when he wrapped a towel around his waist in order to remove his underwear, because looking would just reveal everything that he really shouldn't feel about his best friend; however it was when Liam had finally left the room that the moral dilemmas really started to kick in.

Perhaps he wouldn't have been so tempted if the locket hadn't been right there in front of him, winking at Zayn as though begging to be opened. But it would be totally wrong for him to look inside it when Liam was so private about it, right?

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