expect the unexpected(ch.39)

978 30 54

The night carried on, as you all laughed and sang and drank and ate. It was a beautiful moment that you'd always remember. The boys, all drunken messes, put on a show for you all.

"Now now, all eyes this way ladies and gentleman"James bellowed, tapping a spoon against his champagne glass. The three of you were sat in the living room as James was stood in the centre,Sirius Remus and Peter nowhere to be seen. "Prepare to witness an act of god" With that the lights went out and a familiar ABBA tube began to play. Dancing queen if you remembered correctly.

As the intro progressed, four sudden spotlights shone on beat showing the lads one by one,hands on their hips, dressed in tight shiny boogie suits and platform boots. The order went James,Sirius ,Remus and then Peter. Each boy in their own colour, James in red with a plastic crown on, Sirius in purple with a feather boa around his neck, Remus in blue with a random top hat and finally Peter in gold with a tie around his head.

The boys then sang along to the song playing,
"You can dance" they sang in unison, posing at the beat "-you can jive,having the time of your life"
You smiled as you watched them, hearing The two adults cheer them on,laughing to themselves, as they all sang loudly. If you were being honest, they weren't half bad- James and Sirius singing louder than the other two. They performed their routine, Dancing in sync, Sirius being spun by Remus as he then jumped forward closer to the you all,

"Friday night and lights are low" The purple suited boy sang on his own dancing lowly,  the male trio behind him singing quietly moving together. "Looking out for the place to go" he danced, moving with the music, strutting to the other end of the room, twirling around and around.

James then strode over to the front, aggressively bopping his head "Where they play the right music,getting in the swing"

"You come to look for a king" The long haired boy interrupted, dancing over to James as Peter and Remus boogied their way in between them,standing back to back. The room was blasting with the music and the sounds of laughter and cheers.

The song came up to its chorus, as all four boys were now doing 'the hustle' taking steps forward and backwards clapping their hands and then doing the disco move where they all moved their pointer finger across their body and into the air.

A wide smile was on your face as you watched the boys in front of you, all smiling to themselves as they sang. You and Sirius suddenly made eye contact as James sang "You're a tease and you turn them on" Sirius blew you a kiss before giving a wink, making your stomach flutter with butterflies as you felt yourself blush, unable to contain a smile.

They jumped together "Leave em burning and then your gone" they chanted, before unexpectedly Remus lurched forwards, hands on his hip as he pointed around the room, his face slightly pink "Looking out for another, anyone will do. You're in the mood for a dance" the sandy haired boy sang flawlessly.

The alcohol had clearly gotten to his head, you couldn't help but smile at his new found confidence.

The chorus began to play again, as you saw they all hustled towards you, your eyes going wide as you saw they were grabbing your hands  and dragging you up along with them..
"No no i'm not doing it" you shouted at them but they just forcefully pushed you to the centre of the room, linking their arms with yours as they began dancing in a burlesque type way, you copying.

"You are the dancing queen,young and sweet only seventeen" you all sang.
Sirius on your left and Remus on your right. You looked at Sirius, his eyes closed as he bellowed the song and it was in that moment you were filled with a great feeling of happiness, to the point where it buzzed inside of you. That was the moment you realised, that it was more than a crush and you would never truly be over him. He was the greatest you'd ever get.

unpredictable - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now