mutual understanding (ch.11)

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The first few minutes of being sat in McGonagulls office was spent in complete silence. After a while, you cleared your throat.

"I don't regret what i did, just the fact that i got caught. Yes maybe i took it a bit too far but-"

"A bit too far?! You could've killed him, you could've killed all of them"

" Well i didn't. Did I? Look do you even want to know why i did it, i know this may come as a shock to you but i do have morals- i didn't hurt them just for the fun of it. Though it was pretty entertaining-"you laughed but was cut off by her coughing.

"Right, well you know Lily ?"

"I assume we are talking about miss Evans here?" she said sternly arms crossed.

" That's the one" you said unenthusiastically" Well Wilkes and his gang constantly give Lily a hard time for being a muggle born witch. I knew that the Slytherins gave her a hard time but i didn't know which ones in particular, until now. I found out, obviously didn't go down well i mean if you found out that your best friend- your only friend, was getting bullied by a bunch of pure-blood supremacists you'd be a bit pissed off-" she cleared her throat again

"Right sorry. A few of them thought it was funny, and by that point i had lost any patience that i had left. I used the -uh , i can't actually remember which curse i used on them , but anyways Wilkes didn't like it, called me and i quote 'a little bitch' " you put the last words in air quotes. "rather misogynistic if you ask me but anyways, he then punched me in the face, as you can see" you pointed to the blood dripping from your nose and chin. "And then you know what happens from there i imagine." you said sarcastically, looking down.

" You're a bright young lady miss (L/N), i don't understand why you're constantly finding yourself in these situations. Whether it be because you believe you were doing the right thing or not, you still nearly beat another student to death. I don't know what to do with you, i should have you expelled right this instant" with those words your head shot up.

"Professor, i hardly think that is fair. I mean it was self defence, yes a bit harsh perhaps, but still self defence nonetheless. I was simply serving justice to both me and my friend , now they know to leave us alone. I mean what would you expect me to do?, if you can see someone getting treated poorly and you choose to do nothing about it, then you are just as bad as the people making their lives hell. If i were to have done nothing, something could've happened to Lily later on in the day, maybe even worse than what i did. Who knows? So would you rather me be a coward ?Over sticking up for myself, is that what you're saying?" you protested, the teacher before you looked taken aback. She clearly hadn't expected you to argue back like that. A few seconds went by without her saying anything.

" Okay, okay okay, i understand why you did it" she sighed "However i am going to need to let you parents know about this and there will be consequences to your actions". You sighed,

"You are going to be staying with me for the rest of the day so i can keep a close eye on you"

" What? That doesn't make sense ,if i'm in isolation for the day, shouldn't i be with Professor Slughorn?"

" Well on usual circumstances yes, however Professor Slughorn won't be teaching for today as he is dealing with a private matter. Therefore you will be staying in my office for the time being"

"Lucky me" you muttered sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

For the rest of the day you weren't allowed to talk to anyone apart from McGonagall. You had never been as bored in your life. The teacher was currently getting food for the both of you as it was dinner. Whilst waiting for her to come back, you were looking out the window, when you unconsciously touched your hand, letting out a gasp of pain. The teacher had put a simple healing spell on them but, because nothing was broken, there wasn't much that could be done.

The professor came bursting through the door holding two plates of food, placing one on her desk and giving the other to you. You took it and sat at the desk next to the window, checking the time -another 7 minutes till you could eat it. She brought what you thought was some leftovers of a roast dinner -chicken, potatoes, some veg, a Yorkshire pudding as well as a piece of fruit. You stared at it feeling un easy and a little overwhelmed.

"I apologise if there isn't enough, that was all that's left i'm afraid" she said noticing you staring at the food.

"No, no theres plenty enough." you weakly laughed.

" Well, are you going to eat it then?"

" Well yeah it's just ugh- well erm-" you stuttered, not being prepared in what to say to her.

"Miss l/n, you have already caused me enough trouble today, please just eat your food"

You sighed ,hesitating before swallowing a mouthful of food. You looked back up, she was still watching you so you had another and then another and then another until you had finished the entire plate. The guilt started taking over again and you felt like you could throw up.

" May i go to the bathroom Professor?" you said innocently. Content that you had eaten yet oblivious to what you'd do next she agreed, giving you a pass. You walked down the corridors ,looking for the nearest girls bathroom. Thankfully no one was in there- you checked all the stalls before locking the door behind you. Thinking about everything that had happened today and yesterday with Lily and the boys and the cutting made you throw up even more.

After throwing up all the food you had just eaten, you flushed the chain and cleaned your face. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you had a purple bruise across your cheek . Your dark makeup was slightly smudged, making (y/e/c) look brighter. You also had a sharp cut on your faintly swollen lip- you must've bit it when the stupid cunt hit you. You tried fixing up your hair,which didn't do much.

"Aw, poor little thing" you heard a girl say in a high pitched voice, looking around no one was there.

"Well don't look down there, I'm up here you moron" the voice said again, looking up you saw the ghost of moaning myrtle herself, "You look a mess" she giggled

"Cheers" you said before leaving the room hearing more laughing on the way out. You never liked that ghost, always had something to say.

When you got back to McGonagulls room she wasn't there, however a note laid on the desk, where you were once sat.

'Miss (l/n), i had something that needed attending to. Feel free to spend the rest of dinner doing what you like. As for your punishment, you will be having detention with me for a month as well as helping the prefects clean the library- do not forget you have detention with Professor Raywood at the end of dinner. And finally, please try to behave, you're a smart girl who will have a bright future, however if you keep acting the way you do you may not. If i were you i'd listen to me -Your regards Professor McGonagull.'

Maybe she's not so bad after all. You thought to yourself before going outside and lighting a cigarette, walking to the tree near the lake. Which happened to have 5 familiar people there too...

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