A Small Victory

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Those were the number of Mage's that were caught. 


Those were the number of accomplices who were seized.


Those were the number of felons who died as soon as they were bought in. 


That was the number of leads I was left with. 

"How could this happen?" I muttered frustrated. 

"Dark Magic has been used. No pure form of magic would allow a life binding spell," Micheal answered grimly.

"But who killed them?" I questioned.

"I'm afraid we can't be sure your highness," Micheal said. "It can be said that the spells activate only when the user deems fit. The person who used it could have been anywhere." 

Damn it.

This was exactly like how the noble, Dexter had somehow died back during the attack.

At first, we thought he had ingested poison but this was something else altogether.

And yet it was crystal clear now, wasn't it?

All of them were like tools.

Used until they were efficient and disposed of as soon as proved to be otherwise.

Somebody was playing games with us.

Like we were all puppets attached to strings of manipulation.

I bit the insides of my cheeks in utter frustration.

"So we have none of the criminals that were responsible. No leads whatsoever on who did it and no clue about what will happen after this." I summarised with an enraged smile on my lips. 

Everybody exchanged looks with one another having no words to clash with mine. 


"Princess on the bright side, the merchants have agreed and already resumed to go back to their business." Kai pointed out. "Moreover your plan to help Joe and the suburbians is working out well. Gavin says that the ventures might bring him bigger profits." 

"Yes, I suppose that did work out." I exhaled feeling exhausted already. 

After coming back from the interrogation images of the suburbs kept haunting me and so I did what I promised. I called in a favor of a friend of my brother's, Gavin. The merchant who my brother's had been so very fond of and I think I could tell why. The moment Gavin heard about my problem he agreed to help and so I devised a whole plan. 

A new business venture would set sail soon, one directly funded by the royal crown. I left the details to Gavin of course seeing that he was the professional. All sailors, labourers, and any other task that could exist would only be occupied by the suburbians. Meanwhile, the profits that would be generated from this business would be utilized in maintaining the suburban district, for repairs, developments and so on.

I had however gone ahead in time and already started the repair of the structures and restoration of the houses refusing to simply keep it aside any longer. 

"You see Princess, even if the agenda to catch the people responsible, did not turn out that great, it is the small victories that matter."  Samuel reminded me and I exhaled whilst nodding.  

He was right. 

I glanced down at the thank you letter I had received from Oliver who was quite enthusiastic about the new changes. 

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