Chapter 13

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Soon after the Sakoku (Isolationist) decree was lifted, trade between the world and Inazuma commenced smoothly for the first time in years.

Some of those that had escaped the island nation, returned to check up on their family and relatives, surprised at the sudden peacefulness of the country...

While many still held grudges against the shogun and her forces, none dared to speak out for retaliation by the masses that seemed even more devout than ever...

Alongside the Inazumans that returned were foreign envoys and merchants.

This included one consultant from a certain funeral parlor, whom was sent away by it's director to promote their services following the Inazumans' traditions of course.

"Hmm..." His deep voice garnered several eyes from the female populace.

"Mr. Zhongli" The undercover god turned his eyes to a familiar individual, narrowing them as he walked over to him.

"I did not expect to see you in these parts of town" The man chuckled, waving his hand at him.

"Why are you here?" Zhongli inquired, arms crossed at his chest as he stared at the figure in white robes.

"Haha you are too cruel Morax, I live here" The man replied.

"It's very intriguing that I meet the same kind of people I've met in Liyue" Morax sighed, shaking his head at the notion.

"Who could it be?" Y/N grinned.

"A scheming fatui harbinger"

"Oh" Coughing lightly onto his palm, Y/N clicked his tongue at the man's response.

"Anyway, come to the palace, we have much to discuss." The guardian deity shrugged.

"There is nothing to discuss... I'm not your friend or acquaintance... After all, you were the reason Guizhong was..." Morax trailed off, glaring at the moon god who smiled wistfully.

"I spoke too much, my apologies." The consultant of the funeral parlor bowed lightly and then walked away, leaving the moon god alone.

"Tch... He had to bring up old memories..." Y/N too left, not before releasing a deep sigh.


"Welcome back." Baal greeted, lightly smiling at him, and although it was more of a curl of her lips, he noticed it.

"I'm... home?"

"Yes, now come." She pat the empty seat next to her, taking in a few sips of her warm tea elegantly as she did so.

Y/N chuckled at her antics before taking the seat, embracing her smaller frame with a content sigh.

"What is the problem?" She asked him, her hand stopped midway to his head before she nodded to herself and ran through his hair earning a groan from the man.

"You should do that more often." He then rested his head on her lap, gazing up to her with a smile.

"S-Stop looking at me so intensely you beast..." Baal's ears turning red as she mumbled, earning a few more fits of giggles.

"I'll pour this warm tea on your face if you do not stop." She warned him.


"Good, now tell me, what ails your mind Y/N?" The shogun hummed, hand still on his head. It reminded her so much of a time long gone, and those whom she shared memories with, all lost.

"Nothing much, I met Morax." Y/N raised his hand to caress her face, gently tracing his thumb along her cheek that flushed lightly on contact and intimacy.

"I had an inkling that he was still alive... Is he a threat?" She asked him.

"...That, I do not know. But I can feel it, he's gotten weaker... Looks like our powers are slowly chipping away, although at a very very slow pace, I can feel it..." He felt her grip tighten on his hair and sighed.

"Are you trying to rip my hair off?" Baal averted her eyes, letting go of him immediately.

"Apologies..." She muttered, before arching down to meet his face.

The two locked lips, continuing to do so until the tea had gone cold and the sun has begun to set...

Y/N felt a damp wetness running down his cheeks and opened his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He stopped his actions and spoke so gently that she locked in on him.

"Don't stop me..." She whimpered.

"I'm not going to die so soon..." He replied back, "And before that, we can make a lot of memories together."

"I don't want you to go..." Before sat a mighty ruler, a goddess, but now all that laid infront of him was a desperate lover...

"I don't either, but that's how life works I guess. Besides, we still have several hundreds of years ahead of us..." Y/N embraced the shogun.

"That's not enough..." Y/N could not help but chuckle at her words.

"Don't be so greedy." He lightly chided.

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