Chapter 21

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Felt kinda bad about the 2 day break, this chapter is a bit longer.

Also, this OST is fire...


"What sort of agreement is this? Do you think I'm foolish, diplomat of Snezhnaya?" Ei scoffed, her hand holding onto a document of papers.

"Ofcourse not Shogun-sama, I simply follow and abide by the will of the Tsaritsa. Surely you wouldn't want those pesky rebels doing something terrible now, do you?" Smirking at the amethyst eyed god, Signora shrugged her shoulders comfortably.

"Therefore I believe it is in your best interests to allow the Fatui to take control of the coast and preemptively strike Watatsumi." The Snezhnayan bound lady spun her words, coercing the Inazuma Bakufu into agreeing with her.

"Perhaps, with such a thing, you may be able to keep your lover within your quarters for eternity..." Covering her mouth with a small gesture, Signora managed to withhold a smug smirk creeping into her face when the Shogun nodded.

As the two individuals discussed their supposed plans, Kujou Sara, under a sudden revelation, fought her way towards the hall where the Shogun resided in...


"Shogun-sama! It's a tra-!"

"What is the meaning of this?!" The Inazuman General grunted.

"Ants should stay as ants, General. Leave us be and get out..."

Kujou Sara barely avoided a strike and glared at the Fatui harbinger, however, she was simply too weak to compete against an overwhelming enemy such as Signora whom finally struck her down unconscious.

"..." Raiden Shogun kept silent, her eyes twitched unnoticed, an inexplicable feeling of annoyance arose in her chest.

However, before she could address her misgivings with the behaviour of the diplomat, another pair of individuals entered the hall.

"Oh... The way people charge in here... So uncivilised." Signora frowned, turning to the shogun and then back at the traveller before sighing.

"My goodness, if I didn't know this was the Tenshukaku hall, I would have mistaken this place for a market..." The blonde woman sighed, crossing her arms over her admirable bust, her eyes barely hinting at the fallen General.

"Signora, the power to punish Inazumans, lie solely on me." Ei chastised the lady whom simply nodded lightly.

"My apologies, Almighty Shogun but I cannot let these things to stop the wishes of her majesty." She replied.

"Signora!" Aether growled, Paimon behind him, frowning at the lady.

"I know I know, you can't get me out of your mind but you really don't need to call my name out all the time." Looking displeased at his actions, Signora simply grunted in annoyance.

"You... You gave away delusions to the rebels!" Summoning his sword, Aether accused the Fatui harbinger whom shrugged the accusations as she feigned ignorance over the traveller's statement.

"Ah, so you came here to expose me of my crimes is it?" Signora paused before continuing.

"Unfortunately, I'm simply a Snezhnayan diplomat and have no idea what you are talking about."

Paimon whom stayed behind Aether frowned before whispering.

"She doesn't take us seriously..." Nodding at her words, Aether turned to the Shogun.

"...I will stop you... ...And challenge you to a duel before the throne!"

Ei acknowledged his request and nodded, "Proceed." She uttered, looking over the two individuals uninterested.

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