Chapter 15

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Do not fear, for I am here.

Enjoy :3


"Paimon. We need to leave..." Aether shook the sleeping fairy, sighing when she mumbled childish curses at him.

"Paimon, wake up."

"Mmm...." She groaned, turning the other way.

"I will give you sticky honey roast." Aether pleaded for her to get up, finally relenting to bait as the floating guide got up to attention.

"Traveller, I heard sticky honey roast, where is it? Where is it??"

"Paimon, keep silent..." Keeping a finger to his lips, he frowned at the entrance of their tent.

"What is wrong traveller? You are scaring me..." Paimon complained, although she too felt a subconscious feeling of oddness.

"The Fatui are here... They are cooperating with the resistance!" Aether's fists balling up as he spoke.


"Shhhhh!" Covering her mouth with his palm, Aether sighed when his partner nodded lightly.

"Why are the Fatui here?" Paimon's lack of understanding on the subject left her confused and quite frankly scared.

"I don't know... Unless..." The otherworldly being trailed off, face darkening by the second.

"Unless?" Paimon's eyes narrowed.

"They are working together..." The duo uttered at the same moment, turning to the other with shocked smiles.

'But why would they... work together...? I see... It was never about the vision hunt decree in the first place...'

'It seems like we have been tricked and deceived from the beginning.' Gnashing his teeth in frustration, Aether's thoughts spun it's way to a certain noble girl...

'Was it really all lies?!' Out of frustration at his current predicament, Aether's fists balled up.

"...traveller?" Paimon voiced her worries at the usually calm and composed individual.

"Not now Paimon." His tone left no more talk as the fairy nodded, clearly dissatisfied with the words.

"Sorry... I'm just..." Fumbling upon his words, Aether rubbed the back of his head apologetically.

Paimon crossed her arms, scoffing triumphantly as he gave in.

"Do you think we can leave this place?" Aether sighed.

"We can try asking them!" Paimon grinned, Aether massaged his temples when the words spilled out her mouth.

"Paimon, do you really think they will let us go? After we've been with them for this long? Even if Kokomi might not order it, the Fatui will definitely hunt us down, don't forget about her trusted aides..."

"Oh... I never thought of that... as expected of you, traveller!"

"That's because you only think about food"


"Anyway, our best course of acti-!!"

Pausing immediately, Aether took hold of Paimon whom squealed in shock.

The floor trembled as an explosive roar of lightning struck the island.

Aether who was still in his tent was forced to shut his eyes from the blinding illuminance radiated by the beam.

The two were then immediately flung away, the shockwave of the lightning strike ripping apart most foundations that stood against it's destructive path.

He heard heart wrenching screams of pain and anguish as he drifted off into unconsciousness...


"Strike!" Y/N cheered, his eyes stuck to the darkening skies above the rebel held island.

Baal looked slightly less than embarassed at his antics, although it did not help that she too was encouraged for a second...

The troops following the couple looked in awe at their goddess's prowess, and revered the God that had tamed such a deadly and beautiful being...

Feeling those gazes, Raiden could not help but shut her eyes and take a deep breath to calm her faint flush.

"That should scare them off for a while." He commented, Raiden next to him nodded at his words. She was, after all, a woman of little words.

"This brings memories."


"I was reminiscent of the time when I slayed the accursed worm." Chuckling at her tone, you held her close.

"You do not seem too worried." She muttered.

"I had half expected you to say so." Shrugging at her comment, you pointed at another building.

"Now try hitting that watchtower over there!" She was left sighing at his childish antics as her hand raised, dropping it as bolts of lightning struck the lands once more...

"Oh... So close..." He mumbled, seeing that she had missed, turning to her with dulled eyes.

"Do not lay those eyes on me." The Archon hissed as the watchtower finally went up in flames, decimating the enemy base, leaving many injured and dead and more losses incurred for the resistance...

"What kind of eyes do you prefer then?"

"Not here... Do not even think about such shameful acts in public..." Baal threatened.


"I believe it is... acceptable." She nodded at his suggestion, averting her eyes from Y/N who smiled.

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