Part 39

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It was...horribly unnerving. Draco found he very much did not like this sudden deference that he was being shown. It made him horribly uncomfortable. Particularly given the fact that he did not want to think how Legolas' father, the King Thranduil, would take such things. He knew that Legolas was responsible for him but at the same time did he really have to be so...suddenly polite? It would seem as though the Prince was really worried that failing to show him around would cause Draco to be irate with him, when that was not the case at all. He did not like this in any way. He would prefer that they go back to how they had been before. He knew that the Prince had been given a task by his father to show him around, but said task had not been given a time limit, or a due date. He could not understand the other's sudden hold back, and he found he did not appreciate it either. 

"Look, My Prince, really, it was not a big deal. I am grateful that you are showing me around now, but please, do not think that you owe me anything. I am glad that I was able to wander about, at least a little, it means that I can somewhat recognize some of the places you took me to." Draco said with a tense smile, attempting, so far having been in vain, to lighten the young Prince's disposition. "Furthermore, we have both been rather preoccupied. It makes sense that you would forget some things." 

"Perhaps." Legolas admitted, with a sage nod. "You are correct. That does not change the fact that I was the one who brought you here. I was the one who is to take responsibility for you. Father even spoke to me about ensuring that you knew where you were going because it could be dangerous should you delve too deep and fail to remember how to leave again. The Palace is broad, and very complex. There are series of halls and steps. We are one with the trees, and ever so much like a forest, it is so easy to get lost." Legolas gave a despondent sigh. "Furthermore what would have happened should you have lost your balance and fallen? We are so high up, you could have vitally injured yourself." 

"I appreciate your concern, My Lord, but I hope you know that was never going to be an issue." Draco admitted, giving Legolas a far more soft and fond smile than the tense one that he had given him earlier. It was somewhat heartening to know that the Prince was worried over his safety and well being, yet there were times that it sometimes got a bit much. This was one of those times. He was not really used to people worrying over him, and even less to them getting so upset with themselves about it. 

He really just did not see the problem. Legolas was a Prince, sole Prince from what he could tell, and Thranduil was a King. Just as Legolas had gotten caught up in his duty to his people, Draco had gotten caught up trying to keep himself from getting murdered under Thranduil's close eye. Draco alone had totally forgotten that Legolas had been ordered to show him about the place by the King. He did not understand why it was that the other seemed to be so hateful towards himself for forgetting such a thing. It was not as though any harm had been done, and Draco could have but did not do many things. 

"If we dwell on what could have happened, we will be here all night contemplating the horrors of many things." He said gently, slightly shoving Legolas's shoulder a bit nervously. "Despite it all, there are many things that may have happened, but those things did not. There is no point in dwelling on the things that could have happened. They did not happen. What we should focus on now, are the things that could happen in the proceeding future, and are happening in the present, not the things that could have happened, and yet did not, in the past." Draco laid a hand on the Princes shoulder. "Please, do not beat yourself up Your Highness. I, too, failed to quite remember that we were to go sightseeing among the palace. It is nothing to fret over. Furthermore, nothing bad has happened. You push yourself too much, and judge yourself too harshly. If I cannot even remember how am I to hold you to the same standard?" he questioned, humming a little as he started to feel Legolas' spirits rise. 

"I understand that part but..."

"No," Draco cut in softly, trying to do so in a gentle way so that he would not be punished for cutting the Prince off, yet that did not quite alleviate the nervousness of doing so. "Please, My Lord, I beg of you, stop hating yourself for this. Really, no harm was done. What is the use in beating yourself up about not showing me the palace in a specific time frame. We did it now, it has been done, you do not need to hate yourself further on this matter." Legolas sighed but gave Draco a small smile of thanks. 

The other seemed to at times hold the maturity of someone far beyond his years. Legolas was still a young elf, especially compared to those around him, he knew that they often saw him as a child, which was why he tried so hard to prove himself to them. Things like these, forgetting tasks appointed to him, they were dimensional. He hated it, because then it would seem as though he was not suited for these sorts of things. Having spent so long desperate for the attentions of his father, he realized that he much rather long for good attention, than bad ones. 

"Thank you, Draco, I appreciate it." Legolas admitted. Thinking about what Draco had said, he did realize it was a bit stupid to be so hung up over it, especially considering Draco did not see anything wrong with him forgetting to remember to give a tour immediately. 

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