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It was impressive. The forest. Draco was utterly captivated by the entrance. The forest did hold a bit...heavy an air about it, he had to admit that, but over all Draco found himself enjoying it. Once they entered into the wood, Legolas and Haldir without hesitation, Draco rushed to keep up with them. Though he was warned greatly about not straying, he found no real desire to stray from the path in the first place. Legolas had warned him that the forest often tried to confuse those who wandered within. Especially if the land did not like you. Furthermore, Legolas had informed him that many of all races tended to get lost within the forest, because they felt the desire to stray from the path. Legolas had told him of the illusions which his father had cast upon the path, in order to wile and confuse trespassers. Which, was slightly confusing to Draco, as he felt not such things. Perhaps it was because he was a magical being, and therefore the elvish magic which was incredibly heavy in the area did not bother him as much as it would bother non-magical beings. He was not entirely certain, but it was a rather logical explanation and until Draco found a certain answer, that was what he would assume allowed to walk undeterred from the magical deterrents placed upon the forest.

He would admit that it was quite wise of the King to think of such things. Not many would, and he found that it was always difficult trying to find the best ways to protect your lands. Draco had been constantly questioned about such things, as he was a relative expert in these tactics, and he was well informed about different strategies one could use to do so. Even Voldermort had asked for his aid a few times, something that his father was quite angry over. Draco did not really know why considering he would have thought his father proud that he was living up to the Malfoy name. Though, he supposed that he should have expected the fact that his father would never really be happy with anything he did not matter how many times he would try. 

Draco was, he would say, impressed by the sheer amount of magical ability this King had. Whether it was because he himself was powerful in magic, or because he managed to use the magic of the land around him, the spells were incredibly complex, and very thorough. All in all, Draco was rather confused as to why it did not seem to really affect him. He could understand the Elves not being bothered by them, they were magical beings in their essence, of course it would not really bother them, furthermore they were very nature-oriented beings in the first place.

Despite the fact that the spells did not really affect him, Draco still followed Legolas and Haldir within the wood without hesitation and stayed close by them as well. As much as he enjoyed being surrounded by nature, he realized that it would not do to loose track of the Elves. Granted he could likely just stay on the path and find them again, but it would cause them to panic, and Draco did not wish that. Besides, nature revitalized him in a way that was not common for many people, and this forest was old, very old, and Draco would be content to just breathe in the feel of it for hours. This was something which Haldir and Legolas both instantly seemed to take incredible note of the moment it became obvious. Draco found himself unwillingly becoming more and more relaxed the further within the Woodlands that they went. He tried to keep his tense atmosphere so that he would be more aware and vigilant in his surroundings, but it was near impossible. He simply could not help but feel relaxed when the nature of the forest is what surrounded them. He felt alive in a way that he had not felt for quite some time. As though breath was being breathed through his body for the first time, giving him energy and ensuring he felt re-energized. It happened every time, and Draco always craved the feeling of revitalization which it caused. He felt as though he were a whole new person. It was such an intense feeling, and one which could not be ignored. Draco just seemed to...glow, in the forest. That was what Legolas and Haldir saw in the youth. 

Upon making their way slowly through the forest, which, had they been any other, it would have confused them, the similar paths, and slight deviations which the forest threw in trying to tempt them, but, of course, they were not simply any other person. They were stronger than most elves even, and to Legolas and Haldir's admitted shock, Draco seemed to find no problems with the forest either. He had. no trouble going through, like most would, or even should. This only added to his mystery. The forest had not discriminated for so long, and his father had ensured that, worry over the Imladris Elves for years before they had become allies. Granted, the forest spells did little to deter elves in general, but it would work just enough to suffocate the Imladris elves at the weight of the magic in the air, which was what his father had intended. After the dwarves and their failure to protect their Mountain home, his father had increased security drastically, and it had remained so ever since. Even in the times of peace, his father regularly kept up with the enchantments. Legolas understood, of course, and as Prince, he was the only one who was never truly affected other then his Father, who had placed them up in the first place. Which was why, seeing Draco barely affected left him somewhat heavily confused.

Legolas sighed. His father would be intrigued over the boy, that much he could tell. He was not entirely certain whether this was a good thing or a bad one, it could be either, given his father.

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