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Draco still had not been able to locate Haldir, despite actively trying to find him. He had spent a good day attempting to retrace Haldir's steps, but it would seem as though he has just...disappeared. He was getting worried, and somewhat upset. It was not as though Haldir would have just...disappeared, for no reason. That is what worried him. He had to still be in Mirkwood, somewhere, the question was where. He was not in his rooms, at least not that Draco could tell, and unfortunately, inverse to Legolas, Draco was not able to track him. Legolas, he had familiarized himself with Legolas' aura. Furthermore, it was unique, special, and different as contrasted to Haldir's. He knew what Haldir felt like, but not well enough to be able to accurately track him. He could get where he was, or somewhere where he had been anytime within the last few weeks. It was frustrating, and Draco hated the limitations. It would be better if his has his wand to help conduit his magic, but he did not. He was lucky he was even able to use his magic in the first place, so he had to calm himself down just a little bit.

His Magic was...powerful, that was why he was able to use it in the first place. That and the fact that this land was practically drowning in it. That magic was so thick that Draco could feel it everywhere, it was almost unnerving really. He had gotten used to it fairly simply, but in a way he could not quite complain as it did mean that it was easier for him to grasp magic, and therefore to use it. It had always been easier to him than most, but now it was almost...too easy. A level of ease that came to him was shocking, and for a moment he wondered if perhaps his father would have been proud to know such a thing.

He stopped abruptly, eyes down turned. Of course he would not. Draco thought to himself, fingers flexing as he sighed softly into the chilled air. He was never proud of anything, no matter what, this would not change anything, he would still be displeased, at best. Nothing I do would change that. I need to stop even thinking of him anyways, I am not back in England, what use would it be to contemplate Father in such regard. Granted he was a bit unnerved, considering, but he also was more than aware of the fact that he could be going back to England at anytime, he was not going to dwell on such things. He was not there, at the moment, and that was the only thing that truly mattered as it were. He was stuck here, it may as well make his time worth something as he was here.

"Draco," The young wizard startled as he heard his name called, by Legolas nonetheless. He was almost embarressed, wondering how much of his slight panicked freak out it was that the Prince had seen. Colour slightly filled his cheeks, before he stood, pressing back his emotions as he faced the young Elf. "I was wondering where you rushed off to, did you get lost?" Draco gave the Prince a small nervous smile as he nodded slightly.

"I apologize, I was not sure where I was supposed to go to meet your father, and yourself. I was also unaware of where anyone was, and as it would seem I am still not the best acquainted with the layout of this place." Draco admitted shyly to the Prince. Somehow it was more complicated than Hogwarts, and that is saying something. He thought to himself. Then again, I have had years to familiarize myself with Hogwarts, and far less time here. It is only understandable that this place is more complicated and confusing to me. Still, the reasoning did not stop the frustration regarding it. He wished he was able to figure all of these things out, but they were hard to place, at times, and it made him agitated at the best.

"It is all right, do not fret yourself over it too much." Legolas said gently. "You are still getting used to the palace, after all, and Father did not specify the place we were to meet. So that is not your fault." Draco gave the other a small tense smile. "I will take you to Father, we are ready, as of now." Draco gave a nervous laugh but nodded once, pulling his body up and towards Legolas. The latter gave him a fleeting smile before moving swiftly through the halls and in next to no time they were already at the base of the tree. He couldn't help but stare. It was...not what he expected to say the least. Legolas clearly knew his home well. He was glad for it, a person should always know their home of residence well.

The King, Thranduil, was standing waiting for them Draco presumed. He felt the tale tell nervousness flood him as he stood within the King's presence. It was not diminished in any sort of way, and he doubted that it ever would be either. He reminded him so much of his Father that it was horribly startling. He had no idea what to do about that. He also knew that there was not much to be done in the first place, after all, what more could he do? The King acted so similar to his father in many ways, although it would seem that he did truly care for Legolas, even if he had an odd way of showing it in Draco's opinion.

"Ah, Draco, I am glad that you were able to make it." Draco grit his teeth but gave the King a small bow of his head. It was better to be polite over anything when talking to royalty, after all.

"Of course, Your Majesty, I merely got a bit turned around in the attempt to make it here, is all." Draco neglected to mention the King's mistake. It would not be taken well, and he was sure that Legolas realized the same thing. Thranduil merely smiled fleetingly. Draco almost scoffed. It was clear that the King had done that on purpose, for what reason he did not know, but it was agitating at best.  

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