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Aragorn wished to learn more about this boy, he wanted to get to know him a bit, as the other was the only one he could not get a read on. It was just difficult to really get a read on the boy. He had not had much difficulty when it came to others, but elves. He knew that Legolas had questions, well, he did as well. He wanted such questions addressed, and with the concerns that Legolas had shared with him, Aragorn found himself wondering more and more. He found himself watching him more and more.

"Are you okay?" Aragorn asked, tentatively. "Legolas did grab you rather roughly." They had almost reached the cahadras mountains, and it was something that had been worrying Aragorn. The other had made no noise of discomfort, or fear, but he himself knew just how harsh Legolas' grip could be when fearful. After all, Legolas, well he was quite young. For an elf, of course, for though the other may be decades older than him, he was less than 20 human years, the life-span of elves being so much longer. Aragorn watched as the boy looked at him with bright blue eyes. They were ever so beautiful. Like ice carved from crystal, and woven with the sea around them. They were stunning to him. 

"His Highness was, perhaps, a bit harsher than he meant in his haste and fear." Was all the boy said in response to Aragorn's question of concern. Aragorn only was capable of staring at him, and blinked a few times. He was not used to anyone addressing his friend so... so formally, and never to a human so easily able to not answer a question without even thinking of it. It was a bit shocking, and he could not help but just stare for but a moment, thinking back to what Legolas had wondered, and when he has shared with Aragorn his doubts of the boy being human, fully human at least, and now Aragorn could see why the young elf was having these questions of the boy's heritage.

"True, but in that, he could have hurt you." Aragon pressed.

"You do not need to worry over me, I am fully capable of handling anything that His Highness may, by accident or not, bring me." Draco said stiffly, eyes staring into his balefully. "I am not weak, unlike the thought of most here."

"I never meant to imply that you were," Aragorn said quickly, attempting to dispel the absolute anger the other was now portraying just through his eyes. "I simply meant if you are injured it is best to heal it now, rather than later." 

"I am fine," Draco stated, staring at Aragorn, his voice painfully civil. "But thank you for your concern. Also, would you please tell Prince Legolas that he can stop whiling in guilt over something he could not have foreseen, much less controlled." With these words spoken the other walked away from Aragorn, and Aragorn was left to ponder over them. Though not for long.

"Is he okay?" The soft, airy voice that could only belong to an Elf asked, wavering slightly. So that is what the other meant.

"He says that he is, at least, i think that is what he said. He did not really answer the question at all. And he also says to stop blaming yourself." Legolas laughed.

"He is, interesting." Aragorn said softly. "I do not know how else to describe him." They both watched the young boy walk with the hobbits. Pippin and Merry seemed to have taken a liking to him, and the three were talking softly. 

"I get this feeling, that he is not human, but, he has the aura of an elf, and it is clear he is not elvish either." Legolas sighed softly. "I have no idea what he is. I just do not feel that he is human, of course I just do not know what else he could be."

"He is certainly a mystery. One that is going to be very hard to solve." Aragorn agreed. Legolas hummed softly as he pondered his words.

"I have never had one so strictly follow formality. I offered for him to call me Legolas, but he refused." This was news to Aragorn, though he supposed he should have guessed Legolas would offer such a think. The other was not too big on titles or formality. "I wish that I could order it, or even discipline him, but, he has not admitted to my being his superior. It is done in all but spoken words." 

"He does seem to be the cautious type. I am certain he wishes to know you more, before admitting to such things. The moment he allows you authority over him as HIS prince, and future king, you are able and allowed to not only order and command him about, but to dish out discipline and punishments." Aragorn said gently.

"I worry." Legolas sighed out. "I do not think that he is as okay as he like to pretend. Earlier, I had placed my hand on his shoulder, and despite is clear distaste of touch, he did not pull away. Yet, when Boromir tried the very same thing, he had no qualms at physically removing him." Aragorn narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"It could be that you are a Prince and future King, but he does not know the later. If it was just the prince thing he would have had the same reaction with boromir but it is ear he did not. Legolas, it may be that he is as scared of you, as he is certain you will not harm him."

"What?" Legolas asked sharply. His eyes stared at Legolas, the blue eyes glaring through him, watching carefully.

Aragon heavily sighed, thinking carefully wondering how to continue. "If he was abused or hurt in some way before by someone who looks or acts or even is of the same race, as you, it could be that he is having difficulty seperating those memories, from you. He is easily the most comfortable around you, but at the same time fearful of you."

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