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As it turned out, Draco did not have to worry for much longer about whether or not he was able to actually cross the threshold of his room to the rest of the palace. Though it was something that he worried over, he found himself crossing without much afterthought once he saw Haldir walking in the distance. He did not run...after all, according to his father, and to Draco as much as he may dismay the common belief with his father, such things would be horribly uncivilized...he walked rather quickly towards the other, however, and was eager to speak to the other elf. Though whether that was because he knew the other elf, or because he was comfortable with the Lothlorien elf, Draco was not entirely certain of. It did not matter much, at least not at the moment, though he would be sure to assess the feelings later and figure them out, at the moment there were other things to address. 

Such as the elf in the first place, who apparently had not expected him to fast walk towards him as he had and watched him carefully, slowing his own pace down enough to allow Draco to catch up easily with him. The elf watched him with a slightly amused air, and tilted his head to side ever so slightly as Draco came to a stop and stood before him with a small smile. Draco could feel the heavy amusement of the elf before him, which somewhat annoyed him. He was not something to be amused about, though he also found he preferred such amusement to annoyance or anger which was directed at him, or the unreadable figure of Thranduil, which was entirely unnerving and left him scrambling to try and figure him out. 

"And how was your meeting with King Thranduil?" Haldir asked, smiling gently, gaze softer then usual. It would seem as these sort of sets of information traveled swiftly, just like at Hogwarts. Draco realized that he would have to be as careful of his actions as he was at Hogwarts, though not nearly as careful as when he was with his father and the Dark Lord. 

"It was...interesting." Draco admitted, because it was. Unnerving, scary, terrifying, and yet interesting nonetheless. The King was impressive. He had an aura of restrained power, something that reminded him much like a mix of his father and the Dark Lord. Yet, it was just a little different, more wild, chaotic. Draco was not entirely sure what to think about that. Definitely imposing and impressive, and yet Draco, despite the fear and terror which seemed to be mixed with it, seemed to find something comforting in the other's presence. He was not really sure why, especially considering fear and comfort definitely did not tend to mix together. 

All in all, his realization of these conflicting things were what spent his head for a spin. He did not really know what to make of them, and at the same time he did not really want to think of them too much. He already knew that his emotional state was tenuous at best, and he definitely did not have the best of habits, and he did not want to think what his comfort in the king meant. He did not want to ponder why it was, and he most certainly did not want to worry over it either. As such, he pretended such things did not exist, and he would deny them feverently if it was ever brought up. Though he doubted that it would be. The ending of that thought process was not one that he was ready to commit to figuring out, and being forced to acknowledge, and therefore he simply did not think of it. 

"The King's presence can be a bit..." Haldir paused, seeming to try and figure out how best to describe the king, without committing treason and potentially setting war to LothLorien, but eventually he figured out the perfect word. "Intense, especially when the weight of his attention is focused upon you, and one is faced with it for the first time." Draco smiled a bit.

It was not that Haldir was wrong, but Draco did not want to think of his interactions with the King of Mirkwood. He really...well he did not want to contemplate anything. He wanted to breathe and not think about the fact that he was practically in a helpless situation at the moment (at least until he figured out a way to claw his way out of this, he had done it once before and he could do it again). Haldir seemed to realize that Draco was not comfortable with the current topic of conversation, so he gave a small smile and turned to continue walking forwards, Draco at his heels.

"I am currently headed to the throne room, Draco," Haldir said, somewhat amused that Draco continued to follow him. 

The words made Draco pause. Throne room? Where Thranduil was?

"I see," He said, his voice gone much softer, and his entire countenance having changed to a more resigned air then before. "Why is that?"

"Why, the King called for me. Of course I would go to him. I cannot very well refuse can I?" 

Draco, for some unknown reason, felt this fear fly through him. Why would Thranduil wish to speak with Haldir. The other had come with them for safety, at Legolas' request. There was no missive for Thranduil, which meant that he was at a loss as to why the King wished to speak to Haldir. 

For some reason, this made him unbearably nervous. Though he doubted that it was wise, in any sort of way, he found himself wanting to follow Haldir. Though whether it was out of mere curiosity or fear of Thranduil potentially turning his rage to Haldir, Draco did not really know. 

"You would follow me still?" Haldir asked, finally stopping and turning to face Draco once more, Draco paused, thinking his response over. "I know you are not fond of being within the King's sights." Draco did not question Haldir's observations. He was not exactly trying very hard to obscure his dislike of being within the royal's presence. 

"I have nothing else to do," Draco admitted. It was true, furthermore, he was not entirely certain how to get back to his room from where they were anyways. If the King did not wish him in this meeting, he would dismiss him, and then hopefully give him a guard to send him to his room as well. 

The worry he had was that the King would not send him away, but allow him to stay. Though, if that were the case, he supposed he would be able to sate his curiosity. Furthermore, he doubted that the King would do anything to harm him, especially considering the fact that he was Legolas' friend, and not just that, the King, according to Legolas at least, was intrigued by him. Not to mention, though he was frightened of the King, he was not longer discomforted by his presence. At least, to a degree. Falling back into old routines, he knew how to handle himself with the King.

So he followed. Though, he was not entirely certain that it was the best plan in the entire world. 

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