My Lord, My Prince

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Legolas sighed heavily after his talk with Celeborn, which apparently took precedence. Now. now he understood why. He had only two choices. Which would he choose? Everything was so complicated. He knew what he would do, has known it the moment Celeborn had informed him, but still, he did not relish it. A part of him was glad, another felt...guilty. He would not do it alone though. Certainly not. He would take Draco with him. He deserved that at least. Besides, with the boy's recent admittance to his authority he could not simply leave him here. Nor would he ever allow such things.

He was just worried about how Draco would react. He did not know much of the boy, though from what little he did know the child had been through a literal hell. He hoped the youth would not put up much a fight. Oh, how he desperately hoped this.
Draco allowed his hands to trace the edges of the leaves, his blue eyes alight with wonder, watching as the golden edges shimmer. The forest was beautiful, Draco had seen nothing like it. Though, he supposed that was part of the wonder. He heard someone approaching behind him and he closed his eyes, allowing the forest senses to calm him. He smiled as he felt the forest about him. He knew that the person was not a threat, not at the moment, though that could easily change without reason, and in next to no time with little warning.

His father had never allowed him to be in the woods for very long, and when he was allowed it was not unaccompanied. Still, the few moments of uplifting freedom which he was rarely granted were not to be taken lightly, even if it was only for the cause of his father's benefit. He had always wondered why his father even allowed him in the wood behind their house of he disliked the idea of Draco going on it anyways. He was only allowed once a month, though at Hogwarts, he could do very little about him sneaking off into the Forbidden Forest. Not to mention, as long as he was careful, he would not be punished for it, and even if he had been caught and punished, Draco felt that the feeling of total relief and overwhelming serenity was worth the risk. Not that it mattered much, he was never caught.

Draco noted when the footfalls stopped, and he paused. He turned, leaning against the tree's trunk and drinking in the sight of the person before him. It was that person who had made the comment of him traumatizing the dwarf, not that he didn't deserve it, but still. Even Legolas said he deserved it. Besides, Draco was getting tired of that Dwarf saying insults all of the time. It was disrespectful, especially since Legolas is no mere elf, but a Prince. 

"Hello, my name is Haldir, I am the Marchwarden of Lothlorien." Draco gazed at him, and Haldir felt the assessing eyes look into him, and seemingly through him, as though he were gathering some sort information he had no knowledge of. 

"What is a Marchwarden?" ( pronounced MarchVæden-authornim) Draco asked, allowing his voice a slight lilt to show his curiosity. Haldir smiled, barely. The corner of his lips twitching upwards.

"I am the one who protects the forest, puts guard groups together to make their rounds in the forest. I am also the messenger for lady Galadreal and Lord Celeborn." Draco hummed, watching Haldir. 

"You also seem to be friends with Prince Legolas," Draco said gently. Haldir's eyes widened imperceptibly. 

"How did you figure that out," Draco sighed softly, allowing the tree to take all of his weight .

"Your tone when addressing him. It suggested stronger familiarity than that of a Prince to a Marchwarden. Logical conclusion, friend." Haldir would admit, the boy was observant. 

"Ah, yes," Haldir paused a moment, before continuing. "I wished to speak with you, privately." Draco hesitated, thinking it over. Haldir did not press further, he knew to do so would not endear him to the other, but rather push him further away. Something which Haldir most certainly did not wish to do. To do so would cause...problems, lasted on. Problems which Haldir would much prefer to avoid. 

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