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Draco felt a bit of worry come at him due to Legolas' words. Lessening correspondence could mean a variety of things, and very few of them anything good. Particularly if, from what he had managed to gather so far, the situation was somewhat severe beyond the palace walls. According to Legolas, they had managed to fight back the spiders that had previously plagued the area, but that was also at the expense of Sauron's stronghold strengthening. Draco believed that Sauron had probably been hiding somewhere and influencing the spiders, but when he became too weak, or perhaps strong enough to leave, he did, and began focusing his efforts elsewhere where they were better suited and more needed. It was obvious, at least to Draco, that the Wood Elves had no intention of fighting this war, at least not beyond what Legolas had already offered.

In some regard now, he could see why it was that the King desperately wanted to take this little visit. It made sense if there was a lack of adequate correspondence from the people within. From what he could tell, Thranduil had many issues, but not caring about his subjects was definitely not one of them. If he had to say anything, it was that he cared a little bit too much. Then again, he supposed Kings that have had thousands of years to get to know their subjects it is only expected that they would care greater for them than mortal kings typically did. Not that Mortal Kings did not care for their subjects, many did, but he had not seen the level of care someone such as this King could put through for his subjects protection.

Then again there was an impending war, so he could not quite get upset for that. He was more concerned with what had happened to Haldir at this point, if he was being totally honest. Which was definitely not a time to speak on that, he could ask Legolas for that when they got back to his chambers. Though Draco had to admit that he was rather nervous still, being in a young Prince's chambers. Though Legolas would be considered older than him even if he were to convert to mortal years, it was the principal of the thing. Kings and Princes should not just share their chambers with anyone, yet he had been allowed to enter and Legolas had even...

Draco shook his head. He should not be filling his head with these stupid thoughts. It was highly unlikely that Legolas truly cared for him more than just a very close friend. It was useless to think anything more, and even if the Prince did, on the very minimal chance that he did care greater than that, it was unlikely that Thranduil would okay such a thing. Draco was definitely not going to work to piss Thranduil off unduly. It is times like this that I almost wish I was back home...Draco thought to himself. It would make things easier. At least there I know where I stand, what I need to do...but here? Everything is just so different, and I am wading through something I don't necessarily understand. It makes things so complicated, and so exhausting. I was already exhausted in the beginning.

Draco felt something circle around his wrist, his body being lurched forwards and he yelped, panic flooding his senses so suddenly that it jolted him completely out of his musing and left him fighting against the grip immediately, before his eyes cleared and he noticed it was just Legolas. He felt a rush of relief so strong he swayed on his feet and fell against the Prince, his breath heaving. Thranduil, who had glanced back to see what had been going on, just stared as Legolas sighed and encricled a hand around his waist.

"I forgot," He whispered sadly. "I do apologize," Draco could do nothing but shake his head, showing that it was fine. People forgot, Elves forgot, emotions were complicated on the best of days. Furthermore Draco should have never allowed his guard down so much that he was able to be startled like that, so it was technically on him anyways. He cursed himself mentally for allowing such a thing.

"It is fine, My Prince," Draco huffed out, pulling himself from Legolas, his limbs still trembling faintly. "I merely lost myself in memories for a moment." He gave the other a small smile, but Legolas could see through it. Neither Prince nor King bothered to say anything about it, both merely turning, Legolas pulling Draco next to him so that they would walk together, not wanting to risk something similar happening again.

"Let us walk together," Legolas stated, not suggesting. Draco gave the other a grateful look, and a smile which was far more sincere than the one he had been given moments before. Legolas felt that was a fete all in its own.

"We are nearing the first town," Thranduil spoke, interrupting their minature world. Draco huffed but looked forwards as the King had stated they were soon coming up on a town. He had no idea how many towns this place had, and he was not sure he was ready to find out. This would likely take at least most of the day, if not longer. He wondered what Thranduil intended to do if they could not cover all of the towns by the time nightfall happened.  

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