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Draco felt something dark curl through him, almost assaulting his senses. He stopped walking, shaking his head, trying to clear whatever fog it was that seemed to have cursed him. Thranduil and Legolas both stopped staring at him, but he did not even notice either one was watching him, unable to do anything but shake his head, pressing his fingers to his temples as he finally groaned aloud, dropping down into a crouch before closing his eyes. His vision was blurring. His left arm was positively aching, and his head suddenly felt blistering pain. He slammed his wards down as quickly as he could. Something was trying to break them. What the ever loving fuck? Was all that Draco had the capacity to think before drowning himself in the attempts to keep his mind warded, keeping whatever was trying to force their way through his barriers out as best as he could. He did not think mental spells were common here.

It lasted several minutes, something which should and was quite concerning. Draco did not have the ability to combat the thing much longer before it retreated, leaving him panting, his head cradled in his hands, tears dripping down his cheeks. He felt something touch his shoulder and promptly panicked, lashing out immediately, his magic flaring sharply, blasting whomever it was back and away from him, keeping him safe. What was that? What was that? It was the only question that he was capable of thinking. He had not come across many with such an ability. Legilimacy in any form, no matter what odd form it took, was rare enough. He felt a calming sense assault him, and he felt his heart slowly begin to settle. His vision blurred before he dropped, feeling arms encircle him strongly, keeping him from dropping onto the floor, before he knew no more.

Legolas stared up at his father, from where he had barely managed to catch the other. "What was that, Father?" Legolas demanded. However, Thranduil seemed just as confused as he was. The King sighed, but did not say anything. He should have known his father would not be forthcoming. Thranduil was never the most honest elf, let alone one who just answered questions for the sake of answering. It could mean that he did not know what was going on, but Legolas knew that was not the case. He hated that even now his father was hiding things from him, but he could do nothing about it. He was his King, after all, and Legolas did not have the right to question him, as much as he may want to. He just huffed a sigh out of annoyance, but gently readjusted Draco in his arms so that he could firmly hold him. "May we at least find somewhere to lay him, and perhaps someone to tend to him, ensure nothing bad happened?" Legolas practically pleaded. His Father clearly was annoyed, but did not deny his son, and Legolas could not help but feel somewhat relieved at that. He did not think that Thranduil would have refused...but Legolas had noticed that his father was many things when it came to Draco, and caring about his wellbeing was not exactly on the top of his priorities.

Though, with that realization, Legolas struggled with yet another thing. His father did not generally care for guests. Was he curious about them? Yes, interested too, and sometimes amused as he seemed to be with Draco, but he rarely gave a shit about them unless there was something else on his mind, something he intended to use him for, which made Legolas nervous. His father's demands were not the easiest to accept. He was still surprised that Draco had gotten away with the sparring session in tact. As much as Draco tried to pretend, he knew that the other had gone into a manic hell after his father had stated that he wished to see him spar. He was not sure how the boy prepared, but he knew that he had, frantically. Just one simple thing could send the other into such a frantic mood. Legolas dreaded what his father wanted from him. Particularly if he was obeying Legolas' pleas regarding the boy.

He had at first merely thought it was idle curiosity, but he was now worrying that there was more to it. He did not know how much more, and if he could not figure that out, he ran the risk of setting Draco into a rather perfectly laid trap by his father. He wanted to protect Draco, and had thought perhaps this was a good way of doing it, but seeing his Father like this...he was beginning to have his doubts. It was not like he could have refused the summons one way or another but...

"Legolas, hurry up, I do not like waiting." Thranduil grit out. Legolas tensed at his father's impatient tone. It was not a good thing. He sped up, as quickly as he could with the dead weight of a human creature on his side. He was strong, of course, and the human light, but something seemed to have weighed him down now, and Legolas was not sure what it was. "There is an inn ahead, we shall purchase a room," He said with great reluctance. Legolas felt his heart leap, both from gratefulness, and nerves.

"Thank you, Father,"

"Do not thank me, Legolas, you know better." Thranduil hissed, ignoring his son further as he entered the inn, causing scrambling from the innkeeper, who clearly did not know what to do with the King of the Realm in their parlor. Legolas had seen many falter before his father, and he was counted amongst those who often did, but the stuttering when his father was being quite genial was definitely new. They had certainly not been around the outer towns nearly enough if this was how they acted with his father's presence. "We need a bed, and perhaps a healer, if the town has one, it would seem one of my charges was...afflicted by something upon entry of the village." The innkeeper nodded hastily, scurrying to get things prepared and set up. They attempted to refuse his father's payment, but backed down almost immediately as Thranduil leveled them with a look. Legolas gave a small smile towards the innkeeper, trying to smooth his father's rather...course aura. He was not even sure if the King knew he was being intimidating anymore, or if he just did not care.  

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