Nothing Happened // Leebury

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i lost control of this plot train 19 times , I DONT CARE IF NOTHING MAKES COMPLETE SENSE ( i started writing this in like . november . ive forgotten any original endings i had )

Samuel awoke to a dull headache and very little clothing on. He was in his own bed but was still met with the sight of messy dark hair with just as little clothing as him on. He blushed, wondering what had happened last night. He could've sworn that he stayed home with only a glass of red wine with George. Maybe that's what went wrong. Samuel wanted answers, so he tried shaking the person awake.

"Five more fucking hours," the guy said, trying to wrap himself in the blanket. So, it turns out Samuel was not dealing with an early bird. It was odd, though. His body felt perfectly fine, considering he was only in boxers, hungover, and with a stranger in bed. Could he have... No, it wasn't likely at all.

"Do you remember last night? At all?" Samuel asked. The guy groaned and tossed himself to face Samuel.

"You're so much quieter than you are when drunk," he said, not bothering with the hair in his face, "And bits and pieces. I think I tried sucking you off at one point." Samuel blushed and looked away.

"What do you mean tried?" he asked, fairly confused.

"You and your friend kinda came into the bar tipsy and you came over to me asking if I wanted a good time - you should've watched your wording - and we got here. I don't really remember us getting in, or where our clothes went, but at some point, I was ready for a good fuck, but you kept whining about a good time being a movie and cuddling. You didn't want anything but that until you passed out," the guy explained. It made perfect sense to Samuel, especially the movie and cuddles.

"Are you hungover? I think I have things to make a prairie oyster," Samuel said, sitting up.

"I'm not going to die like Heather Chandler. Besides, I'm still a little drunk, I might just sleep it off," the guy said, flopping back down. Samuel got up, stretching his arms up.

"Goddamn," he heard the guy muttered. Samuel looked at him confused.

"What? I just think I got really lucky," the guy said.

"I wish I knew what you look like but your hair is covering everything that the blanket's not," Samuel pointed out. The guy groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He had brown eyes and a wide nose covered in an alcohol-induced flush. Samuel looked him up and down and muttered a soft "Wow".

"Yeah, it was good luck that this managed to get you," the guy said. Samuel shook his head and laid back down. He considered just going in for a kiss, alcohol still influencing his already horrible impulse control. Thankfully, he didn't need to control himself because the stranger went in for a rough kiss, bumping their teeth at first touch. Both of their breaths were rancid with alcohol and morning breath, but neither cared because they felt amazing during the kiss. Samuel had to pull himself away when he lost his breath, heaving as he felt the tastes linger disgustingly in his mouth.

"Can I suck your dick now?" the stranger asked.

"Is that the alcohol talking?" Samuel asked, sitting back up.

"What answer will get you to say yes?" the guy asked.

"Neither, I don't even know your name," Samuel said, shaking his head.

"Charles," the guy said. He had given up hope over sucking Samuel off, which Samuel was glad for. His face contorted as he realized who Charles was.

"You're George's ex!" Samuel said.

"George who? I know like, six, but only dated two," Charles said.

"George Kings!" Samuel almost yelled.

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