Deaths and Desires // PT 2

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more posting ?? hell yeah !

🙄🙄 here you go The-Schuyler-Sisters /lh



King Charles walked down the hall. He needed the breather from his last meeting. He hated being king, but he had to keep going. Samuel would be devastated if he just up and left, let alone if Samuel had to run the entire country alone.

Laurens had snuck into the castle, posing as a butler. He was now a spy, rather than an assassin from the previous time. He walked down the hall, hoping that no one would notice him. Against his luck, he bumped into someone. The other fell down and Laurens immediately stuck out his hand to help them up. He recognized the features as the King and felt bad, remembering the ball. No balls were held for over a year as protection for the then prince.

"I am so sorry, your highness," he said, hoping that he wouldn't be recognized and be executed. The king looked confused and got up.

"Do I know you? How are you in my castle?" Charles asked. In reality, he remembered Laurens and how much he loved the other. His mind told him to find a way to get Laurens back, to not trust him, but his heart said otherwise.

"Uh, no, I am a new butler," Laurens lied, hoping he wouldn't be questioned.

"I don't remember hiring a butler, or any help, who hired you?" Charles asked. Laurens panicked and ran off, throwing out some excuse of needing to do work. He wasn't questioned as the king returned to his bedroom with his husband. Samuel and Charles were only best friend and Charles knew he could trust Samuel to work as his co-king rather than some queen who would only use him for power.


"You saw WHO? We need to get him out of here!" Samuel hissed out, keeping his voice down, just in case.

"Sam, I don't-" Charles didn't finish before Samuel continued speaking.

"He tried to kill you last time you met, what do you mean 'you don't'?" Samuel said. He was worried, not wanting his best friend to be murdered at such a young age. They were both 22 and the ball was only 3 years ago.

"I just feel like I can't, I don't know how to explain it, but I want to feel safe around him," Charles confessed.

"... You fell in love, didn't you?" Samuel asked, no longer upset. Charles nodded and cried into his friend as they hugged.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. No matter how much I want you to remember how dangerous it is, and your scar is proof enough, you can't control your feelings, can you?" Samuel said, comforting his husband.

"No, but, I shouldn't want to feel safe, like you said, he tried to kill me and got away with it," Charles muttered.

"You could get your revenge," Samuel suggested.

"Revenge? I don't want revenge. I want to go back and just not say yes to his offer," Charles said, still leaning into Samuel.

"I get that, but try to think what's best for the kingdom," Samuel suggested. Charles hummed and flopped on his bed.

"He might be trying to kill me or trying to take information for the rebels, why else would Laurens be here?" Charles said, mostly to himself.

"I know this goes against your judgment, but maybe you should get rid of him, or at least keep him out of the castle," Samuel said.

"What if he already has information and is just waiting for someone to kick him out? I think I know what to do," Charles said, getting up. Samuel followed and the two left the room to find Laurens.

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