I'll Make a Man Out of You // Leerens

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There was something sharp to Charles Lee's voice as he passed out guns. He waited particularly long while handing John Laurens his gun like he was studying the soldier. Lee was young, only 25, but he already had over ten years of experience. It was rumored that he joined the army at 15 - 14 in some rumors - younger than most. Laurens was only 22, but that wasn't what could get him out of the military. It was the tightly wound gauze on his chest. The gruff voice he acted with was a tough thing to keep up, but it was simple enough to not speak at all. Lee gave shouting commands and had everyone lift their guns. No one held them in the same way, so Lee went to everyone and adjusted their holds. Laurens panicked when Lee grabbed his shoulders, fearing he would feel the lack of broadness.

"Shoulders wide and make sure your feet line up with them," Lee said, nudging Laurens's legs apart. He listened and allowed his body to be shifted. Lee seemed pleased as he headed to other soldiers. One soldier started to talk back, claiming he knew how to hold a gun. That was when the whole unit got a quick lesson about Lee's temper and ability to disarm rivals.

"Does anyone else feel like disrespecting their commander? I can promise you that George Washington will not tolerate it," Lee said. Another soldier scoffed loudly, Laurens recognized him as Alexander Hamilton.

"Washington isn't as strict as you say," Hamilton called out. A murmur grew among the soldiers as they lowered their weapons. Lee had a serious look as he made his way over to Hamilton.

"My apologies, what is your relation to General Washington? How many wars have you fought with any commander?" Lee asked. Hamilton hesitated, Laurens knew he just left college to fight in the war.

"I apologize once more if that was too difficult. Let me ask a simpler question, are you aware of a thimble?" Lee asked. He had already snatched the gun from Hamilton's hands.

"A... A thimble? The little finger cap women use to sew?" Hamilton asked.

"Exactly, would you need to borrow one before helping the women make coats for us? Because you clearly don't have the guts to answer questions," Lee said. Hamilton stammered, stepping back. Lee threw the gun onto the floor before facing the rest of the army.

"Raise your arms," Lee called out. Laurens scrambled with the rest of the army to raise their guns as taught. Lee seemed pleased as he stepped in front of everyone.

"I think this is a great first lesson. Lunch will be served today at solar noon, as it would be until the end of the war. An hour after lunch, I want everyone to be back here with arms raised, ready to practice aiming," Lee said. He headed into a tent immediately, followed by a nurse.

That was the routine Laurens noticed. They would be in Lee's tent after every training then leave just minutes before mealtime. Today, Lee announced that the British were advancing on their camp and they should be prepared to fight early in the morning. Laurens was frightened for a moment, they barely learned the proper way to reload. He approached Lee's tent just after the nurse walked in. He gave a quick knock, hoping he had visited early enough to not be intruding on anything. A mumbled "Come in" barely reached Laurens's ears as he walked in. The nurse was sitting on Lee's bed while Lee was at his desk.

"Then I told Suzanne that she didn't know how to properly amputate someone," she said, using her hands to speak. Lee seemed merry as he laughed and shook his head.

"Sidney, you say that to everyone," he said, using his ink blotter on his letter. Finally, he faced up to Laurens, looking much more serious.

"May I help you?" Lee asked. Sidney stood up and ruffled his hair playfully.

"He's just a child, watch out," she mumbled towards Laurens.

"Just a child? You're only four years older than me," Lee complained, slumping in his chair.

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