Chapter 18: 2-5

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Jackson tries to bench press way too much weight with Danny as a spotter. He can't lift it. Danny hits the showers and, for just a moment, Jackson's hearing is enhanced to preternatural levels. Erica shows up and takes Jackson to a waiting Derek in the lair.

"What do you want with Jackson?" Isaac asked. Derek just shrugged.

Derek wants to know what happened to Jackson on the full moon. He says nothing happened and offers to show him the tape. Derek doesn't believe him and feeds him kanima venom as a test saying a snake isn't bothered by its own venom. Jackson is paralyzed meaning he is no longer a suspect.

"So you did suspect him" Peter said. "Well with that guy out of the question, we now have a few thousand more people to go through" Stiles said with an eye roll.

Isaac forces Jackson to retract his statement to the Sheriff about the fight the night his father died. Without Jackson's eyewitness testimony, the case against Isaac is dismissed and he can return to school.

"Good use of your powers there man" Boyd smirked at a grinning Isaac.

At school, Stiles reports that his research on the kanima shows that it's some type of werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers. This does not fit with what they know of the creature. Jackson's hearing is enhanced again and he overhears Erica and Isaac talking about the kanima. They're talking about testing with the venom during chemistry class. Isaac seems to really want to kill Lydia but Erica says they have to test her first.

"Okay now wait one minute" Stiles said standing up. "Lydia can't be the kanima!" he exclaimed. "How can you be sure?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow. Stiles looked at him and slowly smiled, "The lizard thing was taller than her. A transformation won't increase height. Plus it had no womanly figure to it. It was more man like" he explained. The crowd thought on this as Stiles sat down. Scott leaned forward and whispered to Stiles, "You wanted to say it did not have any boobs, didn't you" he asked with a smirk. Stiles snorted but said nothing else.

Coach Finstock warns his economics class about their impending mid-term, recommending that they form a study group to prepare. Jackson tells Scott and Stiles the story of Derek's earlier test of him and the conversation he overheard in the hall. Stiles says the kanima can't be Lydia because he looked into its eyes and saw pure evil and when he looks into Lydia's eyes he sees a much lower percentage of evil.

"So you see evil in my eyes huh?" Lydia asked with a scowl. "A much lower percentage" Stiles explained. The strawberry blonde merely huffed at him.

Also in economics, Lydia has another hallucination. She sees Peter Hale at the chalkboard writing out equations in a spiral pattern. Peter then turns and walks toward her cornering her at the back of the class. He then crushes the chalk and blows the dust into her face. When she comes to her senses she is at the blackboard where she has written "Someone Help Me" backwards several times. The weird guy who hit on her outside the counselor's office is sitting at the front of the class and laughs with the other students.

"I bet the weird guy is behind all this" Scott said. "What makes you so sure?" Noah asks. Scott shrugged, "This 'season' has shown a lot of him" he explained and room laughed. Up in the observatory, Sky snorted his drink out his nose in surprise.

In chemistry class Scott, Stiles and Allison try to keep Erica and Isaac away from Lydia. Mr. Harris quotes Albert Einstein about the universe and human stupidity both being infinite. He then decides that for the class assignment everyone will switch lab partners at each step. This leads to a game of musical chairs which allows Erica to flirt with Scott.

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