Chapter 20: 2-7

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In the woods, a man and woman we've never seen before argue in a small house trailer. The lights go out and the man goes to investigate. Looking out the window the wife sees her husband talking to someone in a hooded sweat suit. The man points up and the kanima's tail whips down from a tree and wraps around the man's neck pulling him off the ground. The hooded figure then points at the trailer. The man's body is thrown through the glass and lands on the table. It is quickly pulled outside again and the kanima crawls in through the broken window. It approaches the terrified woman but seeing that she is pregnant pulls away and leaves.

"Well it's good to know that killing lizard Jackson has a soft spot for pregnant women" Lydia said with an eye roll.

In the Sheriff's office, Scott and Stiles are talking to Allison on speakerphone. Allison says that Jackson probably doesn't know that someone is controlling him. They speculate that his transformation into the kanima causes a fugue state that causes Jackson to forget his actions.

"So we were right there" Peter said with a smirk. "You mean I was right" Talia corrected causing the smirk to fall.

In flashbacks, we see Jackson sitting on his bed at home arms covered in blood, in the shower washing off the blood and then back in bed on what appears to be the night of the full moon. A gloved hand reaches out for Matt's camera and the scene switches back to the present. They plan to try to explain to Jackson that he is being controlled and elicit his help in figuring out who the master might be.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Isaac pointed out.

Sheriff Stilinski reads out the details of the restraining order Jackson secured against Scott and Stiles. They are to stay 50 feet away from him at all times. They cannot speak to him or assault or harass him physically or psychologically. Scott's Mother and Jackson's Father are in the room as the order is read.

"Don't they play in the same team?" Melissa asked making the sheriff groan.

Once he gets his son alone, the Sheriff points out how lucky they are that Jackson isn't pressing charges. Stiles tries to play it as though stealing the police van and locking Jackson inside was some sort of elaborate joke.

"Well if it was April fools it would have worked" Stiles said making his father snort. "Dream on pal. Dream on".

Scott's mother is equally upset. She says the restraining order is just the latest in a long line of concerning issues including Scott's increasingly bizarre behavior, late nights and having to beg Mr. Harris to let him make up a chemistry exam. She grounds him from all activities except for work and school. She also says he can't hang out with Stiles and tries to take away his car keys but becomes too upset to get the car key off the key ring.

"Well now that I know why you do what you do, I'm less sad. Still sad but led than me in the future" Melissa said to a fidgeting Scott.

Scott seems ready to tell her what's really going on. Stiles is freaking out that he shouldn't tell and then Mrs. McCall suggests Scott's issues may have something to do with his father and he goes along with that excuse. She says they'll discuss it more at home.

"Of all the excuses you could use" Melissa glared. "You put it out for me!" Scott countered. Melissa narrowed her eyes at her son but said nothing.

Jackson is sitting on a bench in the Sheriff's Office still wearing the pants Stiles dressed him in and the borrowed deputies coat suggesting that he's been there the whole time.

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